Dear Gato, I"m mindful of the time we were rechristened. In Puerto Vallarta. The toothless soothsayer gave us sopa to drink that was foul-tasting and laced with mescal and ...
Perhaps one shouldn't try to distinguish between degrees of horror, but what seems to me to have been the worst ...
CANNES—It’s raining, the stars are hiding, the hacks and paparazzi are waterlogged and frustrated, and the shimmering images of the beautiful people walking up the red carpet ...
On Tuesday, French iconoclast Dominique Venner blew his head off inside the Cathedral of Notre Dame to protest gay marriage. Venner is a hero who fought in the Algerian War as a ...
Last week I gave a talk on my pet topic of bullfighting in front of various politicos from Spain and Britain at the Reform Club in London, which was founded in 1836 in the wake of ...
Only last week, I railed against the masses’ naïve and patronizing compulsion to embrace dubious lower-class “heroes” such as Cleveland’s Charles ...
Dear Gato" You really should try the ozone therapy"cleans your blood. Kiedis does it. Everyone should do it. Ignore the Wikipedia warnings; it was used in Europe for ...
Do we deduce, then, that President Obama has been chuckling over copies of his enemies' tax ...
As Michael Moore so aptly pointed out in Bowling for Columbine, the root of the American dilemma lies deep within the American psyche. We are a machismo-addled culture where ...
At an art shindig on Park Avenue, I spotted Baz Luhrmann, the director of the latest and very noisy version of The Great Gatsby. I found him a charming man before I was ...
George Orwell was the first to mourn the decline of English murder. In his famous 1946 essay he lamented that modern forensic medicine and the easing of divorce meant there would ...
The social sciences are supposed to help us make better decisions about the future, not to slather us in ...
Amid the din of social, political, and terroristic unrest that takes up so much of the major media’s (and the Internet’s) time, there occasionally surfaces a story of ...
"We don"t need another hero," sang Tina Turner in an otherwise forgettable Mad Max franchise outing. The 1985 song was a hit for reasons I"ll never fathom. Like ...
SPECIAL EDITION: A BAD WEEK FOR OBAMA (Disclaimer: Please disregard all of the following, because the mainstream media and America’s social-sciences community have already ...
Dear Gato, I hope you"re sitting down. If you"re checking messages while driving, pull over. Things got a lot weirder since last time. I waited another hour in the ...