President Barack Obama

The Week That Perished

It’s official: Big Brother is watching you. And despite previous denials, he’s finally been forced to admit it. The term “leaks” seems insufficient to ...

An Apocalypse of Mediocrity

It is said, invariably with a sigh and in mournful tones, that the press is biased"€”a proposition I find puzzling. The press is supposed to have a bias. Complaining that a ...

Susan Rice, Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power

Three Horsegirls of the Apocalypse and Then Some

Stay busy, and keep your eyes on the ...

Triumph of the Hysterical

“Sexist Mores of Super-Rich Hurt Us All,” sobs an American female columnist in The Holocaust Update, AKA The New York Times. I don’t usually follow this kind of drivel—the ...

10 Weird and Wonderful Things About Living Among Hasidic Jews

Unite the Beards is a new and remarkably naïve organization that wants to bring hipsters and Hasidic Jews together. They"€™re based here in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where the ...

A Requiem for Science

As a science geek from way back"€”Andrade and Huxley were favorite childhood companions"€”I try to keep tabs on that side of things. This can be disheartening. To quote from ...

The Week That Perished

SPECIAL “DELIVER US FROM CHAOS” EDITION The past week brought a near-catastrophe in the celestial realm, a deadly calamity in the meteorological realm, and news of a ...

The Art of Not Working Yourself to Death

Though it's medically possible to work oneself to death"€”especially among the Japanese"€”I know more people who are digging their own graves by not working at all. Day after ...

Letters of a Screenwriter in Trouble

Dear Gato, This week it's all about INT.  THE DOGHOUSE. Yes, we know it well. And some better than others. I"€™m familiar with the place. And so are"€”let's ...

Picayune Stuff

Britain's finished. Stick a fork in ...

The author in 1975

10 Problems With Having Immigrant Parents

I’m a middle-class child of immigrants. I’m told we were poor when my parents emigrated from Scotland to Canada in the 70s, but I don’t remember any of that. All ...

Queen Elizabeth II

Three’s a Charm

Probably it's just my simpleminded arithmomania, but years ending in the numeral three seem to be more memorable than average, both publicly and personally, for reasons high or ...

Eddie Ulmann

A Farewell to Bunky

The only man I know who belonged to more gentlemen's clubs than Eddie Ulmann was the late Bobby Sweeny of amateur golf fame, who once pleaded poverty to me while signing checks to ...

Dominique Venner

Dancing on a Hero’s Grave

As a college student I would buy copies of The New Yorker to sample the sparkling prose of James Thurber and S. J. Perelman and to appreciate the clever cartoons that graced each ...

Krysten Ritter

The Importance of Being Earnestly Bitchy

The golden age of television sitcoms petered out in the late 1990s when NBC couldn"€™t convince Jerry Seinfeld to come back for one more season despite offering him a salary of ...

Hillary Clinton

The Week That Perished

Last Week's Most Captivating and Infuriating News Stories HATEFUL COMMENTS FROM THE RIGHT (FINALLY!) After enduring decades of accusations that they relentlessly spewed out ...

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