In his first letter to "God's elect, exiles scattered throughout the provinces," the apostle (then Pope, later Saint) Peter warned his flock: [Y]our adversary the ...
Homosexuals pounced upon the word "gay" decades ago and seized it as their own, gradually changing its meaning from "happy" and "carefree" toward something ...
Dear Gato, I"ll tell you some more about Armando Rhon, "greatest realtor in Mexico""Baja California, that is"when I have time. Unfortunately, I have a feeling ...
They came up with a person named Jennifer Lopez, who, they told me, was famous for her ...
The long lazy summer is upon us, and as I walk the Swiss hills below the mountain ranges my thoughts are always of the past. I think of long hot summers of long ago: girls in ...
There’s been more than the usual amount. Some reflections. Zimmerman. “It’s hard to find a sympathetic character in the entire saga,” opined our editors ...
When I was a larval nerdling in graduate school, I allowed myself to be seen in public places with a ridiculous pocket computer in a hip holster. It was a tremendously useful ...
Perhaps to celebrate the Battle of Gettysburg's 150th anniversary, liberal Washington Post columnist Harold Meyerson announced on June 25th that, in effect, it's too bad Pickett's ...
The double-edged sword called the Internet spreads and then debunks myths at head-spinning speed. So despite attempts on all sides to erase the evidence, we know with absolute ...
What is thought to be the first public monument to atheism in the United States was unveiled Saturday in the hardscrabble, Bible-believin" town of Starke, FL. A 1,500-pound ...
George Zimmerman’s murder trial is a rapidly unspooling farce that could likely result in a massive tragedy. When Trayvon Martin's slaying became an international moral ...
Dear Gato, The meeting went well. The remake business is thriving. It makes superb financial sense. I never thought I"d say that. Then again, I never, ever thought I"d ...
I apologize for that " you know how I hate to give offense. It's just that the news focus this week has been on topics of race and ...
What was that quote about London and being tired of life? Or that flickering ecstasy of a long-ago memory of being drunk at dawn and watching people going to work? Surely not at ...
For somewhere a long way from anywhere, Nanga Parbat is a pretty lively place. The five-mile-high peak rises from a syntaxis, a center of compression where folding rocks collide ...
Why is it that summers used to last so much longer back then? School would be out in early June and by the time the horrid month of September rolled around, it seemed as if three ...