Anthony Kim

White Men Can”€™t Reach

Structured around the dismantling of the profitable notion pushed by self-help seers such as Malcolm Gladwell that 10,000 hours of monomaniacal practice is the secret of success, ...


The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Insane, Profane, and Inhumane Headlines THE DELUSION THAT MISTOOK ITSELF FOR A DREAM Commemorating the half-century since MLK’s 1963 March on ...

Mayhem, Gender Identity Confusion, Hate Crime Bogosity, and Random Teen Homicide

There's been a minor outbreak of random killings by ...

Odysseus im Kampf mit dem Bettler by Lovis Corinth

What History Does to Heroes

Just before I left for the Greek islands I went to dinner at Eugenie Radziwill’s, whose other guests included the great Barry Humphries, his wife Lizzie, and a man I had never ...

Terrence Howard and Oprah Winfrey

The Romance of American Blackness

In last week’s Radio Derb I uttered some unkind words about Oprah Winfrey. The week before that, in a VDARE column, I had been uncharitable about the movie Ms. Winfrey has ...

Oprah Winfrey and Forest Whitaker

Butler Unchained

The hit movie Lee Daniels’ The Butler, staring Forest Whitaker and Oprah Winfrey, takes us back to the bad old days when blacks worked in the White House rather than lived ...

Fear of a Clown Planet

After all the progress we’ve made as a nation, it’s depressingly obvious that Americans still harbor a deep-seated hatred and fear of clowns. This shameful fact ...

Darren Young

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Scurrilous, Querulous, and Perilous Headlines SPORTS: WHERE POLE VAULTING MEETS POLE SMOKING Simply because the issue of whether or not an athlete enjoys ...

Letters From a Screenwriter in Trouble

Dear Gato, I was watching the video for the Pet Shop Boys"€™ dance single "€œVocal"€ and it took me back to a happy time"€”the UK summer of "€™91, seen? We used to ...

Medgar Evers

Alarums and Excursions

I guess that powerful blacks, and the rich white liberals who fawn on them, just aren't into noblesse ...

Getting Wasted is Wasted on the Young

The kids today are often accused of being mindless consumers, but I don"€™t see it. They get their clothes secondhand, they steal their music, and they opt for skateboards and ...

Taki and the Weatherbird crew with fish

Yellow Journalism and Blue Seas

ONBOARD THE WEATHERBIRD OFF THE PELOPONNESE—The old girl groans and creaks as we tack time and again, the breeze right on the nose as we negotiate the turquoise coastline. ...

Why We Can”€™t Talk About IQ

Human nature is in the news: intelligence and prejudice. First, disgraced conservative analyst Jason Richwine published a piece on under the rather plaintive title ...

The Barren Wombs of Smart Women

A statistical analysis from England suggests that a woman’s IQ is inversely proportional to her desire to breed. This, in turn, suggests that the world will grow dumber with ...

Oprah Winfrey

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Scabrous, Fantabulous, and Cadaverous Headlines SWISS CHOCOLATE AND MELTED CHEESE Billionaire fat black lady Oprah Winfrey and psychotic male feminist Hugo ...

Pablo Acosta

Letters From a Screenwriter in Trouble

Dear Gato, When Felipe Calderón took office as the president of Mexico in 2006, he pledged to turn up the heat on the War on Drugs. He delivered on his promise. By 2012, over ...

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