Dear Gato, What a week. To my surprise, World War III was averted, and I have some insider information as to why. My source in Texas, where you"ll find a surprisingly strong ...
I'd just prefer it if we were a little more ... Roman about ...
To London for a brief visit to meet Spectator readers, as nice a reason as I can think for getting on an airplane, except for an assignation with Rebecca Hall, my latest obsession ...
At first glance, birds look like wonderful creatures who could do no wrong. It turns out that some of them are total jerks who bully the native species out of their nests. The ...
From Daily Mail Online, September 8th: ...director Steve McQueen…is dividing viewers with a new film about the horrors of slavery….The movie, 12 Years a Slave, caused ...
One afternoon very late in the 20th century, my then-best friend and I were walking back to the office with a coworker after lunch. Our colleague was mocking a new trend ...
The Week’s Most Felonious, Euphonious, and Sanctimonious Headlines CRIME BLOTTER: GUNFIGHT AT THE VIOLENCE AIN’T O.K. CORRAL Gunfire erupted during an anti-violence ...
Dear Gato, I didn’t tell you what happened to Mickey after he was finally evicted from the movie trailer because I didn’t know. I tried calling him for a while; no ...
These are children of the Civil Rights era, remember, taught from childhood that good people must go out and confront ...
I used to see him in El Morocco, the most famous nightclub of its era during the late 1950s and early 60s. He was a very handsome man, beautifully tailored and with impeccable ...
Driving around Spain, one notices all the castles. That’s quite a thing to notice for an Englishman such as myself, as we have thousands of them. But on Spain's freeways ...
The estimable Charles Murray has published a new pamphlet, American Exceptionalism: An Experiment in History. It builds on the section in his 2012 book Coming Apart explaining ...
Cicero was a wise human being who wrote that a man with a garden and a library has all he needs. He also said that only a man without a brain Tweets. (Well, he would have said it ...
Eighteen states have no “hate crimes” legislation. (In diversity parlance, these states are “Hate Crimes Non-Inclusive.”) Another two dodge the bullet by ...
When the Mayor of your town announces that five thousand Syrian refugees are to be settled along Main ...
The PC suppression of heretical thinking seemingly grows stronger by the day. Innocuous comments and the "wrong" scientific research findings are now often taboo. Not even ...