Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs

Bobby Rigged

A man whose reputation rivals that of the Clintons"€™ for dishonesty and lies recently claimed overhearing a conversation by a gangster confirming that Bobby Riggs had thrown ...

Quarterly Potpourri

The disappearing middle. A study out of Oxford University, written up on, says that 47 percent of US jobs are “at risk” of being automated in the next 20 ...

David Gilmour

Canada’s Least Lovable Writer

What a delight to witness a sudden downpour of condemnation upon the head of David Gilmour! Turns out that little bugger Johnny Rotten was fibbing every time he wore his famous ...

High Enough to Die

Ideally, a recreational drug shouldn"€™t make your flesh fall off your bones. Nor should it cause you to overheat and drop dead onto the dance floor. But we don"€™t live in a ...

Where the Money Goes

Government is the biggest business there is, and getting bigger all the ...

The Death of Elitist Sports

Where would college football be if games were played only every other year and coaches were unable to recruit enough freshmen to replace graduating seniors? In the last decade, ...

Exiled on Main Street

The Swiss canton of Ticino is holding a referendum on a burqa ban, and it is about time. Burqa, niqab—it’s all Arabic to me, although I understand firsthand how deep-seated ...

Death in June

The Leftist “€œF”€ Word

“Fascism” is the preferred political swear word of the left. Fascism was largely a European phenomenon, and an anticapitalist one to boot. In America we got ...

Climbing Mount Appomattox

Talk about biting off more than you can chew! Since taking up the Civil War (War Between the States, War of Northern Aggression, whatever) as a part-time study, I’ve been ...

Dustin Hoffman and Anne Bancroft

Stranger in a WASP Land

The Graduate, the December 1967 box-office smash starring newcomer Dustin Hoffman as Benjamin Braddock and Anne Bancroft as Mrs. Robinson, is often recounted as a major volley in ...

The Men That Others Forgot

On September 20, 2013, President Obama flew the black flag above his White House to honor prisoners of war and soldiers still missing in action. If you were unaware of this, it ...

It’s Hard out Here for a Dudebro

When I was a kid, a “dude” was a cowboy who worked on a ranch and had an abiding fondness for his horse. I didn’t start hearing “dude” used as a ...

Aaron Alexis

The Week That Perished

It is rumored that in winning the crown, Campbell beat out several contestants who actually have ...

UNICEF’s Chemical Weapon

"€œSave the world by all means, but please do so in ...

Jim Croce

The Unified Theory of Left-Liberal Hegemony

Something's cock-eyed ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Spurious, Notorious, and Vainglorious Headlines BIKERS v. MUSLIMS IN D.C. In what may disappoint readers who enjoy the occasional outburst of large-scale ...

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