Benders Like Beckham

The first article I ever wrote for Taki’s was about the men’s 2022 soccer World Cup held over in Qatar, complaining about how the whole event had been turned into a vast moral ...

The Flowering of Mediocrity

When someone is said to be lacking in ambition, it is usually meant as a criticism, as if people had a transcendent moral duty to be ambitious. How else but by ambition will ...

I’m a Barbie Boy, in a Women’s Prison

During this summer’s Barbie movie-mania, many female fans turning up to cinemas dressed from head to toe in ostentatious pink and sparkles have boasted to be “channeling their ...

Writing About Small Things

Chekhov says somewhere that a writer—a real writer, that is—ought to be able to write a story about anything, an ashtray for example. Actually, I don’t think that that ...

Broken Window of Opportunity

Many people have strong opinions on what’s the best place to live: city, suburb, or country? Yet, personally, I’ve enjoyed every place I’ve lived and would like to see each ...

BBC: The Boring Bastards’ Club

Like the colossal bore it has now become, Britain’s once-great national broadcaster, the BBC, seems to spend most of the time these days reporting endlessly upon nothing but ...

New Pugs Club Member?

Our cleaning lady in France brings her dog with her. The dog has been a great solace to her during a difficult stage in her life. She bought her from a breeder who used her as a ...

Thin Man

In director Christopher Nolan’s campaign to save moviegoing from technological and social obsolescence, his latest ploy is his most clever yet: to lure grown-ups with ...

Theresienstadt-1909-Rathaus - Schule

The Curse of the Checkersuckers

Yes, another parable! You guys liked the burning balcony one so much, I’m doin’ it again. In Paul Schrader’s 1978 film Blue Collar, there’s a scene in which Richard Pryor ...

PC Gaming: The Quest to Queer Super Mario

Is Super Mario gay? The simple answer is “no,” although that distinctly camp mustache-and-dungarees combo does make him look rather like a lost member of the Village ...

For Goodness’ Sake

Some years ago, in Australia, I appeared on a platform with a prominent intellectual, many times more famous than I. We were asked what it took to be good. The famous ...

In a Barbie World

One of the most fervently held dogmas of the 1969 wave of feminism was that the only reason boys and girls liked different toys was due to sexist socialization. I was young in the ...

Much of the Hot Air Is Coming From Washington

Baby, it's hot outside. Right on cue, a New York Times headline links this surge in temperatures to "climate change." Temperatures have climbed to well over 100 F in Las Vegas, ...

Web of Sin

Earlier this month, Elon Musk set up a new tech company, xAI, in order to “worry about a Terminator future” being accidentally facilitated by the ever-increasing powers of ...

Hive Mentality

It is said that there is a world shortage of bees, but it has not so far affected our house in France, where most summers, when we return, we find a swarm that has constructed a ...

Smears for Money

The Southern Poverty Law Center just released a report claiming there are 1,225 hate and anti-government groups in America. These groups cause "fear and pain (in) Black, brown, ...

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