Charles Manson’s 25-year-old girlfriend Star says they’re getting married, but the aging criminal ringleader scoffs at the idea. Isn’t that just like a man? In ...
Why has the American media suddenly snapped out of a self-induced coma to pay attention to the Knockout Game? Gullible journos are acting as if it’s a spanking-new ...
How about we just post it all straight through to the Swiss bank accounts of Karzai and his family and ...
You know you’re old when people start writing kindly about you. Especially when they are colleagues. First Jeremy Clarke, now Deborah Ross. Debbie could of course be ...
Will Nebraska, Alexander Payne’s modest masterpiece starring 77-year-old Bruce Dern as a taciturn ex-mechanic who stares like a senile prairie dog, somehow edge out ...
I thought I’d stumbled into a black hole when I read about the white supremacist who had just received the shock of his life on a television talk show. A generation ago, ...
Friday marks the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination. Putting that aside, the most important question for the average American would be: How does the modern primetime network ...
The Week’s Most Dystopic, Myopic, and Entropic Headlines NEW STUDIES, SAME OLD EVOLUTION A slew of new studies were released last week, many of them only confirming what ...
It is time to get women out of the schooling of boys. It is way past time. Women in our feminized classrooms are consigning generations of our sons to years of misery and ...
I note with interest that January 1, 2014 marks the centenary of scheduled commercial passenger airplane flights. I note with further interest, although the interest now has some ...
Being a crotchety old white racist and all, I don’t mind admitting that I thought Kanye West and Jay-Z were the same person until a week ago. It doesn’t help that ...
Last week saw commemorations of the 75th anniversary of Germany's Kristallnacht and the 80th anniversary of the Ukrainian Holodomor. Judging from Western news coverage, ...
The Week’s Most Thankless, Chancrous, and Cantankerous Headlines FINALLY, A WHITE MAYOR WHO SMOKES CRACK The Toronto Star released video of the city’s mayor, a ...
Yesterday morning, as I was sitting in the flat on Paris that I have rented for a time quietly finishing my latest book, Murderers I Have Known (and I have known quite a few), a ...
Welcome to New York City, twinned with Havana " A politician with a personality! " Decline of the RINOcracy " Things to look at when traveling " Driverless cars ...
I suppose the secret of death is to choose not to expire on the same day as famous people. I read in Lapham’s Quarterly that JFK, C. S. Lewis, and Aldous Huxley all met with the ...