I tell you, listeners, with so many shady characters in the world, it's good to know there are still people you can ...
New York—Here’s a question for you loyal readers: If a fellow asks his wife to cook him a hearty meal of goat meat and she serves lentils instead, is he within his rights to ...
It's hard to get Americans to care about Britain but it's worth checking in on those fannies once in a while to see how their social experiments are going, because we tend to ...
After all these years of bloviating, I still can"t tell in advance what will get people riled up. I"ll spend hours in research for a good deep thumb-sucking piece on ...
Denunciatory reviews of Nicholas Wade's book A Troublesome Inheritance: Genes, Race, and Human History have typically fallen into two general categories: "¢ Well, nobody ...
The Week's Most Rotten, Forgotten, and Misbegotten Headlines HELL HATH NO FURY LIKE A PAMPERED YOUNG MAN SCORNED On Friday evening in the small coastal town of Isla Vista, CA, ...
In my youth, hard though it is for me to recall it now, I was quite good at sport. I could never have become better than quite good at it, however, because I ...
So the wedding of my little girl to Andy Bancroft Cooke went off without a hitch, a wonderful ceremony in a beautiful Catholic church off Portman Square and even the weather ...
The Europarliament itself is a waste of space, and no sensible person pays any attention to what happens ...
It's cool to scoff at the nuclear family, but the children of single mothers are fucked (sometimes literally). The daughters are more likely to become wayward sluts and the sons ...
Like apparently everybody who can read, still a probable majority in the U.S., I have just finished Nicholas Wade's A Troublesome Inheritance, which deals with the genetics of ...
So I was in the downstairs study, idly surfing the Web while the Mrs. watched TV in the next room. The door was open"gotta keep "em in sight"so TV noises drifted ...
In 1997, my second book came out. It was a collection of columns I"d written for a Catholic newspaper, so Vatican Radio requested an interview. Before we went on the air, the ...
British think tank Demos recently released a study titled MISOGYNY ON TWITTER. A five-person panel of researchers"tilted in favor of males by an unacceptably patriarchal 3-2 ...
The Week’s Most Disturbing, Perturbing, and Unnerving Headlines BLACKS V. BOARD OF EDUCATION Last Saturday marked the 60-year anniversary of the landmark Brown v. Board of ...
When I arrived in the city of Maiduguri nearly thirty years ago, everyone was away at the public executions. It was a ghost town until the spectators returned as from a football ...