Brooklyn Bridge

Liberty Island Media, Part I: Silly Rejects!

Not five months out from its launch this March, the right-leaning literary website Liberty Island recently earned a logic-impaired hate note from the fiction editor of the ...

Rape Quilt, Rape Guilt

So there's a frickin"€™ rape quilt now. Remember the AIDS quilt? Back in the 1980s, gays swiped another quaint, wholesome, colorful thing (rainbows, anyone?) to trick us into ...

Race Is a Social Construct, So I”€™m a Poor Black Orphan

If you"€™re generally a busy bumblebee like I am, you don"€™t have time to sit around all day socially constructing things. Thus, I am so glad that there are volunteers who do ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Compulsive, Convulsive, and Repulsive Headlines ALL THE DUMB YOUNG SOCIALISTS Forty-two percent of the so-called "€œmillennials"€"€”that socially ...

Dwight D. Eisenhower

The Good, the Bad, and the Lucky

Ah, the fifties. You had to be ...

Mandraki Harbor

Cruising the Med

Island of Rhodos—When I’m on the water, I feel I was born to it. Yachting has always been a way to enjoy the sea and the nature associated with it. The motion through water, ...

George Orwell and Evelyn Waugh

One Cheer for Meritocracy

I have just finished reading David Lebedoff's 2008 book The Same Man: George Orwell and Evelyn Waugh in Love and War. No, this isn"€™t a book review"€”it's a bit late for ...

Activists for a Stupider Tomorrow

Arizona State University, perennial favorite for "€œnation's least prestigious school,"€ is showing America why: students can now earn extra credit in a Women and Gender ...

Rolf Harris

The Critics We Deserve

"€œPerhaps it all goes to show that the middlebrow is inherently corrupt."€ That's a particularly sweeping statement of smug class-conscious snobbery, even by Guardian ...

Exiled to Racistville

Late one night last week, radio host Anthony Cumia nearly became the Bernie Goetz of shock jocks. But unlike Goetz, he didn’t use his gun, even though he says he was ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Dysgenic, Pathogenic, and Schizophrenic Headlines BORDERS? WE DON"€™T NEED NO STINKING BORDERS As the Brown Flood from America’s southern border ...

Life Through Fisheyes

A single death, said Stalin, is a tragedy; a million deaths are a statistic. We know, alas, precisely what he meant by this cynical remark: it is beyond our human capacity to ...

HUMCRI on the Border

Don't blame the politicians; America's doing this to ...

Fort Belvedere, Surrey

Vodkas in Arcadia

To Fort Belvedere for a ball that most likely will discourage any more balls because of its brilliance and perfection. Galen and Hilary Weston, who lease the historic house, once ...

A Man’s Place and a Woman’s Role

In New York and LA, tradition is for squares. Unfortunately, these rebels rarely come up with anything better. If you want to reinvent the wheel and design a whole new way to live ...

Quarterly Potpourri

You can"€™t faze a New Yorker.  After all these years in the Big Apple, I really should know better than to try conclusions with the natives. Place:  Track 8 platform ...

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