Grandma’s Arsenal

I used to think that no one would ever again smell like my grandmother: that is to say, of naphthalene mothballs. She had them even in her handbag in case a moth was lurking ...

Not a Bad Place to Die

This is about life up high. A Brit rapscallion and mischief-maker gossip columnist, Peter McKay, recently diverted from type and wrote about how great it is to pilot a plane. ...

City Hall, New York City

Life Among the Nomenklatura

But don't you dare call it "privilege." In this racist society of ours, only white people have ...

Hong Kong

The Great Circle of Despots

History is full of strange folds, wrinkles, and repetitions.  Consider for example the following true story. There was once a great empire of the despotic-bureaucratic sort. It ...

Obama and The Bell Curve

October 2014 marks the 20th anniversary of the publication of the most hated book in the history of the social sciences, the 845-page The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class ...

A Community for the Non-Horny

Asexuality: It's not just for plants anymore. Nay, it is now a designated sexual identity for humans who aren"€™t horny. But it is much more than merely an individual identity. ...

Eric Holder

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Mordant, Discordant, and Important Headlines RESIGNATION OF A COWARD After nearly six years as the nation's first black Attorney General"€”during which time he ...

Bombs Away!

Holder's a loathsome creep all right, but the worst thing is that he's not terrifically ...

Queen Anne Marie and King Constantine of Greece

The Cradle of Kleptocracy

Athens—This grimy, semi-Levantine, ancient city has its beauty spots, with childhood memories indelibly attached. A turn of the century apartment building, across the street ...

Geena Davis

What Women Want

When you take into account the entire world, feminists have a point about 80% of the time. The other 20% is where things get unreasonable, especially here in America. If feminism ...

Four Billion Africans

A new study on world population trends came out last week from the University of Washington in Seattle. If you"€™re one of those people who worry about an overpopulated world, ...

The Parthenon

From Taboo to Common Sense

I"€™m sometimes accused of having created a vast secret corpus of sinister ideas that I keep carefully hidden away from the millions of words I"€™ve published. I"€™ve ...

Great Smoking Guns of History

I quit smoking around 10 years after I quit drinking, but I miss smoking much more, and it was far harder to give up. Especially since, right after my last cigarette, I met my ...

Victor Voronov and Johnny Weir

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Bodacious, Perspicacious, and Trepidatious Headlines SORE WINNERS IN GLASGOW By a margin of 55-45, Scottish voters elected on Thursday to remain in the United ...

Imperial Do-Gooding

Efes beer, the Turkish lager, was the nearest until recently that I had come to Ephesus, unless you count St. Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians, which I read more in a spirit of ...

Danielle Watts

Narrative Collapse

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