In Defense of Evil

I was talking to a Jehovah's Witness the other day and found out their idea of heaven is the same utopia that liberals are trying to force us into. There is no conflict in ...

The Moral Panic Truth-o-Meter

On February 27, 2013, Canadian historian and (more or less) conservative political operative Tom Flanagan gave a lecture in Lethbridge, Alberta. Driving home without a cell phone, ...

Bill Cosby

America’s Rapist Dad

Bill Cosby is the first black person that I ever remember my family liking. Then again, it's not as if we knew any black people personally. Even though Cosby and I grew up a mere ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Hectic, Septic, and Apopleptic Headlines "€œSHIRTSTORM"€ AND OTHER PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF RITUAL BALL-BUSTING Perhaps the biggest news story regarding space ...

The Sound of Weeping and Moaning

The control room's in Germany, but I doubt that'll get them off the hook with Cultural ...

Alberto Giacometti, Chariot

The Real Deal

Aleko Goulandris is my oldest and closest friend. We met in the summer of 1945, at the Semiramis Hotel in a northern Athenian resort. The Allied bombing and the ensuing communist ...

The Scariest Science

Reading the November issue of Literary Review (a British monthly, somewhat like the New York Review of Books but less claustrophobically liberal), the following thing caught ...

Interstellar Stoic

With the exception of the teeming masses of Philip K. Dick adaptations, science fiction movies (such as the new Interstellar) tend to be based on original screenplays rather ...

Rose McGowan

Someone’s Over the Rainbow

Which one is Rose McGowan again? It's a complaint as old as Sunset Boulevard: "€œWe had faces then,"€ and all that. Presumably the same gene that makes new music sound ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Disreputable, Objectionable, and Unmentionable Headlines ELECTIONS 2014: THE WHITES GO RED After the confetti settled from last week's midterm elections, the GOP ...

In Praise of Restraint

On the whole I am in favor of freedom of expression, though sometimes I am equally in favor of freedom from expression. God preserve us from film stars telling us what they ...


And then, for a dude who used to teach Constitutional Law, Obama sometimes sounds shaky on the ...

Monica Lewinsky

Beauty and the Beast

To Newport, Rhode Island: smallest state in the Union but one of the most beautiful. Driving northeast from the Bagel there’s Long Island Sound on one’s right, and beautifully ...

Phantom of the Opera

Opera has been in the news lately, in Paris and New York, that is. And no, this doesn"€™t mean things are culturally looking up; on the contrary, I"€™m afraid. Let's start ...

Russel Brand

The Russell Brand Devolution

What do you call a socialist who tries to make money selling books? The answer isn"€™t just Noam Chomsky; it's every socialist who walks the earth. The soothsayers of ...

For Whom the Cat Calls

A video that shows a Jewish woman being sexually harassed while walking on New York City streets has engendered tremendous outrage"€”not so much for the fact that she was ...

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