The Week's Most Ominous, Ponderous, and Neo-Communist Headlines LYIN" BRIAN WILLIAMS NBC, famous for deliberately editing George Zimmerman's 911 call to create the false ...
One little phrase in Le Monde's report of an incident in Nice"in which a man aged 30 called Moussa Coulibaly attacked with a knife three soldiers guarding a Jewish community ...
Always, lurking behind the geostrategic scenery of the modern world, always there are the ...
It's not often that a Salon writer produces a lit piece that doesn"t make me grunt with rage. Aside from their hysterical loathing for male writers who won"t check their ...
A couple of years ago on this site I wondered "Why Isn"t Racism Cool?" Why, I asked, has the state ideology of the West not generated its antithesis, as historical ...
"I love Anne Frank humor as much as the next guy" is a line I could never get away with. Fortunately, I"m not the one who said it. The quote is courtesy of Jill ...
We could try to blame Oprah Winfrey, but for once, that wouldn"t be fair. On one episode of her program, who knows how long ago, the emphatically unmarried megastar grew ...
As a connoisseur of leftist cannibalism, I enjoy watching the internecine squabbling of groups competing for the top spot on the hierarchy of oppression as if they were puppies ...
Ms Lynch is a sort of twofer version of Eric Holder " another Social Justice Warrior from the Ivy League affirmative action ...
Here's a brilliant idea for an anthology: collect essays about the changing face of war and war technology, then alternate them with short stories and novel excerpts from the ...
Menstruation is having a moment. I don"t mean the fleshly, goopy one that vexes roughly half the human race. Periods, while remaining annoyingly corporeal, are once again ...
I"m sure that Canada was settled by tough people, but what the hell happened? Being fond of neither Canada nor Canadians, I jump at any chance to malign and defame that ...
The Week's Snappiest, Scrappiest, and Crappiest Headlines SHOVING ALL THAT GAY STUFF IN OUR FACES AND DOWN OUR THROATS Two gay icons from the 1970s faced a heated gay backlash ...
Generally I don"t remember my dreams, and to judge by the few that I do remember I am rather glad that I don"t. Nor do I believe, pace Freud, that they are the royal ...
I had a short chat with BBC Radio concerning the actor Jack Nicholson, whom I knew slightly during the 70s and 80s. Alas, it had to do with age, his and mine, 77 and 78 ...
The Reverend Al Sharpton is off on a trip to Blighty to address the Oxford Union and members of parliament. I guess Barney the purple dinosaur wasn't ...