New York - “Gimme a BLT on rye and hold da mayo” is a great Noo Yawk sound. So is boid for bird, and toerty toird for 33rd street. True working class accents no longer ...
What was your first thought on seeing that video clip of the white cop shooting the fleeing black perp? Mine was: "What fresh lie is this?" The point of reference here ...
By the time you read this, the Memories Pizza "gay wedding" story will have gone the way of every overhyped, outrage-inducing Internet meme, relegated to the ...
Ah Spring, the spring of our frost bitten age. At the Polish Club in London, a wonderful place studded with portraits of Polish patriots who have fought and sacrificed for the ...
In journalism, "trend pieces" are like the weather: Everyone complains about them " and there"ll be a new one around any minute. (One probably written by some ...
The April edition of International Journal of Epidemiology contains an article called "Sexual offending runs in families: A 37-year nationwide study." A summary of the ...
The Week's Most Bilious, Supercilious, and Punctilious Headlines COVER YOUR BALLS, GENTS: HILLARY CLINTON IS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT A stern warning to the white males who comprise ...
Nationalists want all the diverse peoples of the world to be secure in their own cultures and traditions, each in a sovereign nation of its ...
"There is no more potent instrument of fate in 19th century fiction than the legacy." So writes a female columnist in Britain's best newspaper, The Daily Telegraph, and ...
Virtue totalitarianism. For devout Christian bakers, florists, and photographers throughout the U.S.A., the message going out from the news recently has been the one Anouk Aimee ...
I hate the real phone, so despite my lifetime membership in the Cult of Mac, I"ve never wanted one in my damn pocket or purse. Sadly, circumstances forced me to finally buy an ...
A very common sexist stereotype is that women are absurdly hypersensitive. Funny enough, these days that stereotype persists mostly due to the absurdly hypersensitive real-life ...
The Week's Most Dreadful, Fretful, and Regretful Headlines GAY-KILLING DUO GETS GAY-MARRIED IN PRISON It is perhaps darkly poetic that the "UK's first same-sex prison ...
The least one can say of the psychiatric treatment given to Andreas Lubitz, the pilot who killed 149 people as well as himself in crashing the Germanwings aircraft into the Alps, ...
The California water crisis is one sign that the U.S.A. has a bad, stupid population ...
End of season is always bittersweet, the melting snows a bit like autumn leaves, but the days are longer and soon spring will chase any remaining winter blues away. The Eagle ...