Privacy Hysteria

First, a follow up to last week's column: Despite being presented with (singular) evidence to the contrary, I clung weakly to my belief that few Professional Conservatives"„¢ ...

Land of 1000 Microaggressions

If a person of color feels offended by something a well-meaning white person said and no one knows they’re offended, is it still a hate crime? This is the implicit question ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Audacious, Tenacious, and Salacious Headlines CAN AMERICA STOMACH HARRIET TUBMAN's FACE ON THE $20 BILL? It’s hard to imagine a universe in which Harriet ...

Mug Us Again!

From 2001 to 2013 more than 1.6 million people from predominantly Muslim countries were issued green cards for permanent settlement in the ...

Robert Redford

The Greatest Movie Never Made

OK. Magnanimity in victory is a sine qua non among civilized men and women, so let me not be the first to rub it in. Last week I wrote that I feared the worst and felt sorry for ...

Turn On, Tune In, and Drop Out

So, I"€™m walking along the East River the other day and I see this twenty-something couple sitting on a bench, reading old-timey books. I was surprised by my own reaction which ...

George I

300 Years of Prime Ministers

All proper congratulations to David Cameron, elected last week as Prime Minister of Britain on the Conservative Party ticket. I can"€™t say I repose any great hopes that Cameron ...

Latinas in the Field

It took me a while to understand why some of today's leading generals in the war to enforce politically correct speech and behavior codes are Latinas. Jewish organizations were ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Humorous, Ludicrous, and Unscrupulous Headlines THE JIHADISTS WHO COULDN"€™T SHOOT STRAIGHT From all appearances, the anti-jihadist polemicist Pamela Geller is ...

The Theology of Climate Change

For a long time I have intended always to carry a small notebook with me when I go to second-hand bookshops to take down a list of the most boring titles ever published. ...

All Mx-ed Up

Normal people feel there's something a bit bizarre, and slightly comical, about transsexuals, and no amount of propaganda is going to expunge ...

William S. Paley

The Suppression of Ideas

If any of you see Graydon Carter, the editor of Vanity Fair, walking around with a begging bowl in his hand, it’s because he took me to dinner recently and I sort of went a bit ...

The Case for Natural Stupidity

All of us by now, with the possible exception of some Sentinelese Islanders, are acquainted with the notion of Artifical Intelligence (AI). Most of us have read the news stories ...

Baltimore, Marland

A Space to Destroy

The smoke has cleared in Baltimore for now, and one of my favorite American cities is just a little bit less than it used to be. I bear a lingering affection for Baltimore ...

Ed Miliband

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Panderous, Scandalous, and Slanderous Headlines ENGLAND's NEXT JEWISH PRIME MINISTER? Ed Miliband's parents were Jewish refugees to England who"€™d escaped ...

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

The media lefties, dodging the falling masonry, make their escape back to their cozy doorman buildings and gated suburbs. Everything goes quiet for a few weeks. Then ...

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