Everyone pities Prometheus, but what about that poor eagle, sentenced to pluck out the same guy's liver every damn morning? Did it ever think, "Jeez, just once can I get maybe ...
The Week's Most Unbreakable, Unshakeable, and Unmistakable Headlines COONTOWN, WE HARDLY KNEW YE With over 10 million unique visitors monthly, Reddit.com is one of the ...
Jacques Chirac, when he was mayor of Paris, offered the municipal workers a deal: They could have a short workweek if in exchange they agreed to verification that they actually ...
Nestled under the Acropolis, snug and safe among the ancient ruins of a long-ago grandeur, Plaka remains the only protected area of Athens, with greedy developers as welcome as a ...
The newspaper that prints only what fits its piously fraudulent agenda, The New York Times, has reviewed a book by one Ta-Nehisi Coates twice, both times showering it with praise ...
Millennials aren"t getting laid and what's worse, they don"t want to. Even the ones in relationships aren"t having sex. Their parents are having more sex than they are ...
It's informative to compare two current memoirs focused upon race: the rapturously welcomed Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates, which I reviewed a week ago, and The ...
But I will tell you that in a prison they crucified a cat before ourselves. They beat nails in the feet of the cat and the cat was hanging with the head down, and can you imagine ...
In his new biography Being Nixon: A Man Divided, Evan Thomas concedes a point. Richard Nixon, he writes, “was not paranoid; the press and the ‘Georgetown set’ ...
The Week's Most Petulant, Succulent, and Truculent Headlines CECIL THE LION ACCUSED OF FELINE PRIVILEGE When news broke last week that a popular Zimbabwean lion named Cecil had ...
The Japanese company Nikkei has bought the Financial Times, and I wish them well of it. There can be few duller publications in the world, in whose pages, unless one is interested ...
We all agree that a world without manners would make this a pretty grim place to live in. Offensive informality is pretty much accepted nowadays, and manners are at times seen as ...
I call "false advertising" on the Washingtonian. Its July 24 piece by Benjamin Freed promises that we"ll "Meet the Guy Who's Protesting a Maryland Theater's ...
The Week's Most Curious, Furious, and Spurious Headlines DEATH OF A BLACK CONFEDERATE A troublesome fact about American history"one that’s been kept almost entirely ...
I hate sweet drinks"Coca-Cola et al."so passionately that I grow angry whenever I see someone buy or drink one. I hate their taste, I hate the horrible plastic bottles in ...
I think back to my Greek childhood and longing for the once coziest and most romantic of cities overwhelms me. Actually it’s too painful to think back, all the blood spilled ...