The Adultery Suicides

Remember the good old days when people used to kill themselves? Maybe I"€™ve seen too many movies"€”okay, no "€œmaybe"€"€”but didn"€™t disgraced individuals take ...

The Hidden Dangers of Strategically Placed Watermelons

I hope I don’t offend anyone by saying that people are sensitive these days. Like a hypersensitive black gay snail, Vester Flanagan II left behind a slimy trail of ...

missing asset:,_Dresden,_zerstörtes_Stadtzentrum.jpg

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Febrile, Infantile, and Juvenile Headlines WILL DRESDEN BURN AGAIN? As everyone knows, Germany is the most evil place in the history of the universe. Therefore, ...

Antibes, France

Gin Palaces Reconsidered

According to W. Somerset Maugham, materially one must live on the razor’s edge between poverty and minimal subsistence in order to cultivate the life of the spirit. I’ve ...

The Death of Discussion

Remember Monty Python's "€œArgument Clinic,"€ where Michael Palin is trying to procure an argument from John Cleese? Palin is frustrated that Cleese won"€™t move past ...

Sucevita Monastery

Romanian Holiday

Rains finally came. The dog days came to a pause for two days, but Bucharest was still hot. We drove to Tulcea"€”the quiet of a small town in a poor province on a summer ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Jarring, Scarring, and Alarming Headlines DO BLACK LIVES MATTER IF THE GUY’S NOT REALLY BLACK? A mere two months after Rachel Dolezal smeared the ...

Ain”€™t It the Truth

What part do truth and evidence play in our beliefs? A larger part in ours than in those of others, of course, for we are, or at least consider ourselves to be, more rational ...

Patrick Balkany

The Short Smoker Strikes Again

These are the languid, sensuous days of summer, and I’ve had another birthday, which is the bad news. But it’s the silly season, so I’m going to be silly yet again and tell ...

The War on Women Is Real

The "€œWar on Women"€ is a term usually used to describe Republican policies and their effects on the fairer sex. The right denies such a thing exists, but let's stop kidding ...

Brothers in Civilianland

My hands shook as I spot-checked my dress blues. I took the two brown paper bags and walked toward the memorial. The monument was wreathed in sentiment. Bouquets of flowers. Beer ...

The Emperor’s New Stump

While mainstream pop culture and institutional academia busy themselves celebrating and sprinkling glittered confetti upon the “transgendered”"€”a group that mainly ...

Auschwitz, Poland

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Horrible, Deplorable, and Adorable Headlines CONCENTRATION CAMP ROMANCE NOVEL RAISES EYEBROWS Is there anyone among us who doesn’t enjoy curling up in front ...

Paros, Greece

Across the Isles

The wind is maddening and constant, and gets stronger as the sun falls under the horizon. The streets are lined with plastic and rubbish, the beaches covered with greasy bodies ...

The Ugly Truth

There is a strange thing about modern ugliness: It is militant and proselytizing, and not just the result of thoughtlessness, poverty, lack of skill, and so forth. It might ...

The Hunt for a Good Bad Guy

There is a severe rape drought going on in the West; not the violent sexual assault as is broadly defined by the law but a particular kind of rape. We want wealthy white males ...

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