The Last Duel, a 2021 film by Sir Ridley Scott with Matt Damon as a mulleted French aristocrat chud battling honorably (if stupidly) a suave Adam Driver in 1386, turned out to be ...
Sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick had an interesting theory about the Roman Empire—that it never actually ended. According to him, Rome’s Imperium merely shifted shape repeatedly ...
The following sentence ought to be enough to send shivers down anyone’s spine, at least if it accurately reflects a reality: US attorneys plan to extract a multi-billion-dollar ...
Why such a sourpuss, Joy-Ann? On the whole, life and MSNBC are treating you pretty well. And yet, over the last 10 years, you have complained pretty much nonstop about how badly ...
This ought to be a golden age of the social sciences. The immense reduction in the cost of DNA testing is allowing massive assaults on the most venerable conundrums of nature vs. ...
In a meeting with various faith leaders (or self-appointed faith leaders, in some possible cases) in September, King Charles III reassured those gathered that he had recently ...
In the last several months, I have debated some of the intellectual leaders of a group called the "national conservatives." I consider myself a conservative (on most issues, ...
The process of auto-beatification among the educated in the West seems more prevalent than ever. Possessed, as they believe, of knowledge, wisdom, and generosity, they believe ...
In an article about the election of Yusef Salaam, of the "Central Park Five," to the New York City Council last week, The New York Times' Jeffery C. Mays indignantly cited the ...
I’ve been writing about the perverse side effects of affirmative action for a third of a century, and one of my favorite examples has always been the recurrent attempts to lure ...
I remember during an earlier periodic outbreak of violence in Gaza being accosted by a man of distinctly Mohammedan tint outside a local supermarket and being asked if I knew that ...
"I was not genuine in my own beliefs," says 23-year-old Rikki Schlott in my new video. "I self-censored." Why? What did this college student believe that was so unacceptable that ...
The past month has led to agonizing reappraisals among some mainstream Jewish-American liberals over the traditional Jewish-American shibboleth that diversity must be good for the ...
On 20 October, just in time for Halloween, pumpkin-headed Swedish Greentard Greta Thunberg accidentally sparked a vampire hunt. Doing her best to dispel the stereotype of climate ...
“The World Is Becoming More African,” trumpets The New York Times, only eight years after I started warning that the United Nations’ projections for sub-Saharan Africa’s ...
The two most terrifying days on the calendar are finally here: Halloween on 31 October, and World Vegan Day on 1 November. Paradoxically, extreme non-meat-eating, taken to its ...