July 4th is the day America celebrates liberty but Halloween is the opposite. It's the day we all get together and ask necrophiliacs what to do with fun's cadaver. These ghouls ...
When a San Francisco high school principal named Lena Van Haren withheld student-body election results last week due to a lack of black and Latino winners (the victorious ...
Last Tuesday night I was walking down a poorly lit Brooklyn street en route to meet a friend for dinner when suddenly I noticed a black male strolling alongside me. He wasn"t ...
The Week's Dumbest, Numbest, and Glummest Headlines BIBI ABSOLVES ADOLF Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who just so happens to be Jewish, sparked a thunderous outcry ...
As everyone knows, journalists tend to take themselves seriously, and American journalists in particular, very, very, very seriously. Dan Rather was such a man, and I use the past ...
I hadn"t checked in on alternative music (or whatever they"re calling it these days) and was disappointed to discover the Thought Police have taken over there, too. ...
There are good scientists and there are mad scientists. The good ones have invented the safety pin, central heating, and Italian coffee machines. The mad ones have invented smog, ...
Almost three years ago, the Academy Awards gave the Best Picture Oscar to Ben Affleck's Iranian hostage drama Argo to encourage making more medium-budget movies for grown-ups. ...
The Week's Dreamiest, Steamiest, and Seamiest Headlines M.L.K. RETURNS TO THE MOUNTAINTOP The Right Reverend Holy Martin Lucifer King is a huge inspiration to rainbow-colored ...
I"ve oft complained about the infantilization of American adults, but something strange is happening. We"re going from "Comic books aren"t just for kids ...
The Week's Most Timeless, Mindless, and Spineless Headlines JUSTICE...OR ELSE WHAT? The Honorable Righteous Bean-Pie-Slingin’ Minister Louis Farrakhan"who helms an ...
Seville—Let’s take it from the top: Seville is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, the capital of Andalusia, situated by the banks of the Guadalquivir River, with a ...
Last week, NASA confirmed that there is water on Mars. This could be some kind of cross-promotional hullabaloo for the movie The Martian, which came out this week, or it could ...
"MEDIA CREATED THE HIPPIE WITH YOUR HUNGRY CONSENT" On Oct. 6, 1967, Haight-Ashbury's countercultural equivalent to a neighborhood "business association""the ...
The Week's Most Fabled, Mislabeled, and Transabled Headlines NYC HONORS ETHEL ROSENBERG Ethel Rosenberg, who along with her husband Julius formed America’s Most Hated ...
If cheating is the cancer of sport, losing has to be its halitosis. I stunk up the joint in Amsterdam last week, and even managed to be thrown (a first) for my troubles. Winners, ...