History must always be remembered, except when it shouldn"t. No one will ever claim that adage, but many people adhere to it, one way or another. Pity the person with a ...
"The deflection tactic of Sundeen and his ilk deserves a name. It's being employed with such frequency, it's gone beyond being merely a cliché; it's now a full-fledged ...
The Week's Most Frumpy, Grumpy, and Trumpy Headlines TIME MAGAZINE’S MERKEL CIRCLE JERK TIME magazine has selected German Chancellor and part-time nude model Angela Merkel ...
Have we ever needed Christianity more than today? It’s a rhetorical question, for sure, because the loss of our faith and the inability to confront Islam have never been ...
The verdicts in the case of Oscar Pistorius, and the reasoning behind them, seem to me curious. Either Pistorius was guilty of murdering his girlfriend or he was guilty of ...
So the Queen joked that (re)meeting Canada's new 43-year-old prime minister, Justin Trudeau, made her "feel so old." Yeah, well, that line forms behind me, Grandma. I ...
Who said that African-Americans lack initiative? It was obviously a fool, and a racist to boot. White folks never came up with terrific initiatives such as speech codes, political ...
The Week's Most Barbarian, Contrarian, and Totalitarian Headlines NEW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMP DEEMED A "BIGOT" A self-described Irish Gypsy named Tyson Fury became the ...
Things turn very frivolous around this time of year. Barf-inducing parties by pop culture schlock merchants selling their wares are a nightly transgression, the hacks duly ...
The Week's Sleaziest, Cheesiest, and Queasiest Headlines A SUDDEN SPURT OF WHITE STUDENT UNIONS From November 20-22, thirty-one separate groups representing college campus ...
Thanksgiving is thousands of years old and can be traced back to Catholics, Puritans, and even Guy Fawkes. In the modern narrative, however, it's a blasphemous day where we ...
As this is Thanksgiving week, I thought I"d take a break from Muslim terrorists and social justice warriors and all the other negative stuff to give thanks for something ...
Since its 1964 debut, Fiddler on the Roof has been the leading philosemitism gateway drug. Ever the contrarian, I"m a Jew-lover in spite of that musical, not because of ...
Irredeemably dissolute actor Charlie Sheen revealed last week that he tested positive for HIV four years ago. The Mirror alleges that since then, Sheen has “slept with more ...
The Week's Most Grating, Race-Baiting, and Nauseating Headlines PURGING WOODROW WILSON FROM PRINCETON America’s black college students and their guilt-wracked white ...
A British judge is reported to have wept recently as he sentenced two murderers for a particularly vicious and sadistic killing. A reporter for the BBC apparently wept on air as ...