Not-So-Sweet “€™16

2016 will be a hell of a year, hell being the operative word. It will be the year that the greatest Greek writer since Homer will turn 80, but we won"€™t mention this fact for ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Feckless, Reckless, and Neckless Headlines THE FALSE EPIDEMIC OF RACIST POLICE SHOOTINGS Despite all the illiterate and innumerate yapping and yelping and ...

10 Violent Koran Verses and the Terror They Spawned

I recently interviewed Jihad Watch's Robert Spencer and we went through 10 examples of the Koran being violent. After the video went live, we got all the common refrains about how ...

Biting the Hand That Holds Out the Olive Branch

I’ve noticed a trend: The more that white people apologize, the more they get mocked. The more they concede, the more that is demanded of them. The more frequently they make ...

Hillary Clinton

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Bumptious, Scrumptious, and Presumptuous Headlines FEAR AND SCHLONGING ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL Donald Trump, who according to rumor is secretly planning to name our ...

5 Quotes Overheard at Christmas

The Christian holiday based on the birth of Jesus and made even more kid-friendly by Northern European folklore is upon us. The odds are pretty high you"€™re one of the nearly ...

Your Kids Will Not Know What Money Is

"€œYour kids will not know what money is,"€ Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, told U.K. broadsheet The Daily Telegraph in November 2015, predicting that cash itself will disappear ...

Immigration Insurance

I average over 400 comments per day over on my iSteve blog on the Unz Review. One advantage of reading all of them is that ideas are dropped in my lap that I wouldn"€™t hear ...

When Dads Breastfeed Their Kids

No matter what one may think of transvestites trannies transsexuals transgender people, it’s hard to deny that they are tremendous entertainers. Few other allegedly ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Antithetical, Heretical, and Asymmetrical Headlines ABUSING MUSLIMS IN PUBLIC Last week across this wonderful, bounteous, and sun-spackled land that we pretend ...

The Nazi Kid From Brooklyn

History must always be remembered, except when it shouldn"€™t. No one will ever claim that adage, but many people adhere to it, one way or another. Pity the person with a ...

There’s a Word for That

"€œThe deflection tactic of Sundeen and his ilk deserves a name. It's being employed with such frequency, it's gone beyond being merely a cliché; it's now a full-fledged ...

Angela Merkel

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Frumpy, Grumpy, and Trumpy Headlines TIME MAGAZINE’S MERKEL CIRCLE JERK TIME magazine has selected German Chancellor and part-time nude model Angela Merkel ...

Go Figure, You Nonbelievers

Have we ever needed Christianity more than today? It’s a rhetorical question, for sure, because the loss of our faith and the inability to confront Islam have never been ...

Oscar Pistorius

The Person Behind the Door

The verdicts in the case of Oscar Pistorius, and the reasoning behind them, seem to me curious. Either Pistorius was guilty of murdering his girlfriend or he was guilty of ...

At “€œC”€ Level

So the Queen joked that (re)meeting Canada's new 43-year-old prime minister, Justin Trudeau, made her "€œfeel so old."€ Yeah, well, that line forms behind me, Grandma. I ...

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