Better Living Through Punk

Should current trends continue"€”although "€œtrends"€ seems too grand a word for what amount to quotidian, repetitive habits and chores"€”my husband and I will celebrate ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Dramatic, Dogmatic, and Traumatic Headlines U.S. SOLDIERS SUBJECTED TO "€œWHITE PRIVILEGE"€ BRAINWASHING The website Judicial Watch has obtained US ...

Lycabettus Hill, Athens

The Drive Home

Athens—I am walking around downtown Athens watching thousands of migrants fielding pitches from smugglers for alternative routes to Germany and Austria. I ask a friendly ...

Comedians: Doing the Jobs Happy Americans Won”€™t Do

Comedians hate Donald Trump with so much vitriol, it looks like they"€™re siding with Bernie purely out of spite. Obviously both sides have their supporters and it's not unusual ...

Chris Rock

The Week That Perished

The Week's Dinkiest, Stinkiest, and Kinkiest Headlines A VERY RACIAL OSCARS The "€œwhite"€ people who control Hollywood and the Academy Awards"€”and therefore dictate how ...

Sorry Excuse

An English judge called Beverley Lunt, known locally for her leniency, recently suspended the prison sentence of two brothers who appeared before her because they were contrite, ...

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah

Big Willie’s and Huge Polynesians

Apparently, Mormons have a pathological hatred of Polynesians. Who knew? I certainly didn"€™t, until last week's perfunctory "€œlook how racist those white devils are"€ ...

(His)panic at 20,000 Feet

"€œPassengers applaud as boy removed from plane for allergies"€ Hell, I clapped too and I wasn"€™t even on board. That headline made my day. Enough is enough! I thought. ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Puniest, Looniest, and Gooniest Headlines BEN CARSON: BARACK OBAMA WAS "€œRAISED WHITE"€ Narcoleptic presidential candidate Ben Carson suddenly awoke from a ...

A Heavy Dose of Blame

These days there is a lot of monomania about. But then perhaps there always was. Speaking for myself, I am a serial monomaniac. I become obsessed for a short time by a subject and ...

James Woods

Knock on Woods

One reason I do not tweet, text, or use Facebook or Instagram, and only wield a mobile when a landline is unavailable, is because all of the above gadgets are free of anything ...

Where the Sidewalk Ends

My Taki's columns have now officially killed twice as many people as Ted Kennedy's car. Last April, it was Günter Grass, then last week, Harper Lee. I didn"€™t ask for this ...

Pope Francis

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Divisive, Derisive, and Indecisive Headlines POPE SLAMS TRUMP; TRUMP HITS BACK AND WINS Suspected globalist tool Pope Francis took a swipe at Our Glorious Future ...

Times Square, New York

To Mock a Killing Bird

Harper Lee is the Rachel Carson of American fiction. Okay, let me back up: I"€™ve never read To Kill a Mockingbird. I was going to add, "€œbecause I"€™m Canadian, ...

Bernie Sanders

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Snappy, Crappy, and Nappy Headlines A BLACK PANTHER SUPER BOWL At halftime during this year’s Super Bowl"€”which featured a team named the Panthers who ...

Diaspora, of Course

Gstaad—I had the rather subversive idea of offering a six-figure sum to Oriel College, Oxford. On one condition: that the college immediately terminate the Rhodes scholarship ...

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