The Week's Most Laggard, Staggered, and Haggard Headlines BILL CLINTON YELLS AT BLACK PEOPLE, ALMOST APOLOGIZES Cigar-loving former president and current domestic abuse survivor ...
New York—Even after all these years, I’m still at times floored by the scale of the place. And it’s always the old reliables that stand out: the silvery arcs of the Chrysler ...
The dumbing down of the establishment left is amusingly illustrated by how the Southern Poverty Law Center, America's most lucrative hate group, put the great scientist Henry ...
The Week's Weakest, Bleakest, and Meekest Headlines THE SAN FRANCISCO DREADLOCK INCIDENT A sterling example of leftist auto-cannibalism comes to us this week from the Cesar ...
My old friend and onetime doubles partner Ray Moore has stepped down as chief executive of the Indian Wells Tennis Tournament for telling the truth. As Rod Liddle wrote in The ...
The Week's Most Inscrutable, Unsuitable, and Irrefutable Headlines THE ONLY THING WE HAVE TO FEAR IS ISLAMOPHOBIA The deadliest terrorist attacks in Belgian history occurred ...
I flew to Paris the day Brussels was bombed. It was a fine day"weather-wise"and as I looked down with a clear view on that vast and wealthy city, its millions of citizens ...
On November 17, 1813, the bravest of the brave, Marshal Ney, had been the last to march out of Smolensk amid harrowing scenes. The hospital wards, the corridors, and the stairs ...
To say that college point guards should be paid more than middle school social-studies teachers might seem like a controversial statement, but it's essentially the same as saying ...
In its never-ending search for scapegoats, the left has decided that Nancy Reagan bears full responsibility for her husband's response to the AIDS crisis (apparently, attacking ...
Earlier this month, John Rivers tweeted out his hope for the future: I dream of a world where a midlevel manager in a midlevel company can accurately quote FBI crime ...
Late-stage leftist moral hysteria has recently achieved an unprecedented level of earsplitting shrillness. To me, this suggests that the quixotic legions of social-justice ...
The Week's Most Lyrical, Empirical, and Satirical Headlines HULK HOGAN BODY-SLAMS GAWKER MEDIA Gawker Media is a massively successful digital pseudo-news empire whose apparent ...
Gstaad—Going up on a chairlift with the town’s doctor, I asked him, “How’s business, doc?” “Never better,” said the kind medical man. It seems the richer we get the ...
Ours is a golden age of expensive cheap trash"or is it cheap expensive trash? Such, at any rate, were my thoughts on leafing through a catalog of a luxury gewgaw and clothes ...
I"ve been writing for this site since 2008 and am very thankful to be a part of the Takimag family. It didn"t even occur to me to jump ship when the Derb was lynched and ...