Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn said of William Shakespeare, the 400th anniversary of whose death has just passed, that he was capable of writing tragedies only about individuals, or small ...
I read this in an American newspaper (it was written by a woman who used to edit my copy for a New York glossy, but I will withhold her name to save her embarrassment and social ...
I just flew back from Philadelphia and boy, are my arms tired of shooing away homeless people. The city of brotherly love has been overrun with broke bruthas asking for some love ...
The hubbub surrounding last week's announcement that "Underground Railroad" conductor Harriet Tubman would be movin" on up to the obverse of the twenty-dollar bill led ...
It's spring, and so a young Catholic girl's fancy turns to picking out a confirmation name. Being kid-free, I was only reminded of this when a friend mentioned his daughter's ...
In a recent column Dennis Prager made an acute observation. “The vast majority of leading conservative writers ... have a secular outlook on life. ... They are unaware of ...
The Week's Most Prophetic, Synthetic, and Prosthetic Headlines RAPPER's ANKLE MONITOR GOES OFF DURING WHITE HOUSE "MINORITY YOUTH EMPOWERMENT" PROGRAM With his ...
The longer I live, the more humbug there is. Whether this is a real increase or merely a reflection of a more acute sensitivity towards it, I am not sure: There have always been ...
The city of San Francisco has become a notoriously unaffordable place to live. Two-bedroom apartments in San Francisco currently average $4,126 per month, up from $1,840 in 2009. ...
"Surely this is the stupidest shit I"ve ever said.... "If you can"t grab public attention by standing up before the U.S. Senate and saying that Chris Rock, Amy ...
As everyone with two brain cells to rub together is well aware, a tremendous amount of social injustice exists in this so-called world of ours. To rectify this unfortunate ...
The Week's Dingiest, Stingiest, and Cringiest Headlines CANADIAN TRANNY SHRIEKS AT “SHREK” If you’re a young “transgender man” in Canada who’s ...
New York—Harvey Keitel, the actor, rang up to invite me to a Marine shindig where General Petraeus would be guest speaker. The venue was Carnegie Hall, and I arrived late, ...
Growing up in L.A. in the late "60s and early "70s, I certainly had my fill of hippies (and then some). And I have to say, the hippies of that time weren"t all bad. ...
Through malice or incompetence, they"ve gotten a lot wrong"from Stalin's famine to the date of the moon landing"but factor out anything under Jayson Blair's byline, ...
Ladies, gents, and everyone who can’t decide what the hell they are, I believe we’ve found the Ethnomasochist of the Decade. Karsten Nordal Hauken describes himself ...