As a child, the only list I had ever heard about was the FBI Ten Most Wanted. Then a lady who wrote about fashion"Eugenia Sheppard, I believe"made a list of the ten ...
When Ann Coulter told me she was going to be debating Sally Kohn, my first reaction was "That isn"t fair." Some friends decided we would make signs that said ...
The Week's Most Laborious, Inglorious, and Injurious Headlines PLAYING POKÃMON AT AUSCHWITZ Since its release on July 6, the addictive mobile phone game Pokémon Go has ...
The readers’ Spectator party was as always a swell affair, with longtime subscribers politely mingling with ne’er-do-wells like myself, the former having cakes and drinking ...
I care nothing for football (soccer to Americans), but I was pleased when Portugal won the European Cup last Sunday. I would have preferred it to be Liechtenstein or San Marino, ...
In my previous column, I mentioned, somewhat in passing, the importance of being aware of one's own biases. While the average human can never truly be bias-free, and keeping in ...
Why do the human sciences record pervasive behavioral differences among racial groups, such as in violent-crime rates? One explanation is that these disparities originate in ...
America’s modern race-obsessed progressive media exhibits symptoms of brainwashing that are so severe, they make North Korea look positively libertarian. To hear them tell ...
The Week's Most Accidental, Occidental, and Detrimental Headlines IS DONALD TRUMP A JEW-HATIN’, JEW-BAITIN’, ANTI-SEMITIC MONSTER? Last weekend when Americans were ...
I am trying to decide with some friends what is worse, English weather or English football. The former is improving as I write, but the latter’s problems are terminal, too many ...
"Three thousand years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax, you"re goddamn right I"m living in the f—-ing past!" "Walter Sobchak in the ...
How long has The New Yorker been coughing up blood? Not that the magazine ever possessed the talismanic qualities for me that it does for its cultlike subscribers"many of ...
The Week's Sleaziest, Cheesiest, and Breeziest Headlines POST-BREXIT HATE EXPLOSION Just as the gentle and enlightened proponents of One World Government warned, England has ...
I moved out of Boystown over a decade ago, but still trek down there every five weeks to get my hair done. I can"t stomach the prospect of explaining to some new, nearby ...
The Week's Most Quixotic, Robotic, and Idiotic Headlines WORLD RECOILS IN SHOCK AND HORROR AS BRITAIN VOTES TO BECOME BRITISH AGAIN Because English voters are small-minded, ...
I always thought the Freuds a pretty sordid bunch, and after the latest revelations, it seems I wasn’t far off. I first met Clement Freud when John Aspinall employed him as an ...