SAN GABRIEL, Calif."Only two athletes in history have won medals in six consecutive Olympic Games. Only two. Let me put this in perspective. There are about 13,000 ...
Sociologists often talk or write nonsense. Sometimes they dress up the bleeding obvious in pretentious language. Sometimes they merely seem determined to demonstrate that they are ...
In the summer of 1992 BC (before Clinton) I was cruising in Greece with William F. Buckley and his wife, Pat, on board the boat I had just inherited from my father. It was a motor ...
Consider it one of this summer's most underreported stories. In what's described as "one of the largest civil rights indictments in L.A. history," an old-school Mexican ...
"Oh, Jerry, don"t let's ask for the moon. We have the stars." I"m pre-crying. TCM's running a 24/7 Bette Davis marathon today, and although Now, Voyager (1942) ...
Another week, another comedian prosecuted for rape in the courts of social media. This time it's even more extreme because a comedian who dared question the witch hunt is also ...
The Week's Most Haughty, Bawdy, and Tawdry Headlines GEORGE SOROS AND THE “NEW NORMAL” Multibillionaire currency manipulator and culture destroyer George Soros was ...
Once again the only country of any size that, as far as I can see, emerges from the Olympic Games with any credit is India. Accounting for something like a sixth of the world's ...
An item in an American newspaper had me thinking of my father all last week. Old dad died 27 years ago, which means I have outlived him in age, the only thing I have ever outdone ...
It's time for Morrissey's periodic turn as a subject of two minutes" hate. In a recent interview with, the British singer provoked fury with his opposition to ...
Being a conservative who knows and loves film, music, books, TV, and other facets of culture (pop and otherwise) can be brutal. I"m not just talking about the "I ...
Over the weekend in Milwaukee, a black cop shot and killed an armed black man. In response, throngs of howling blacks rioted, looted, committed arson, and randomly attacked ...
The Week's Scariest, Wariest, and Hairiest Headlines PERSONS OF COLOR SEEK ROOMMATE: WHITES NEED NOT APPLY The wondrous and clean-smelling progress we’ve made as a nation ...
GSTAAD—“He’d fly through the air with the greatest of ease, that daring young man on the flying trapeze.” As everyone knows, life’s unfair, but this is ridiculous. An ...
I was watching the synchronized diving"one does odd things at Olympics time"and when Viktor Minibaev and Nikita Shleikher, the Russian competitors, stepped onto the ...
Every time Western society is treated to another charmingly impish killing spree or terror attack at the hands of a Muslim, we"re told (by those guardians of all that's good ...