On Sunday, September 11, while college students vandalized memorials, the NYC chapter of the Proud Boys held its second meet-up at the Tribeca bar Gaslight. Though the exact ...
Remember when "Stella got her groove back""and the dude of her dreams turned out to be on the down-low? Well, there's something in the Million-Selling Lady Memoirists ...
Yesterday morning in Manhattan while attending memorial services for the fifteenth anniversary of 9/11, Hillary Clinton left prematurely and stumbled while multiple handlers ...
The Week’s Most Pathetic, Splenetic, and Phrenetic Headlines HILLARY CLINTON: STILL NOT SICK In order to silence the endlessly paranoid conspiracy theories spawned like ...
From time to time I receive invitations by e-mail to attend conferences on something called medical leadership. "Do you want to be a leader?" ask the invitations, to which ...
NEW YORK"Hi, I"m Jocelyn, and I"m passionate about cloud storage! As founder and CEO of MeCloud, I"m excited to be bringing a consumer-facing enterprise team to ...
The Bible tells us that our allotted span is threescore years and ten. Advances in medicine and public health"sanitation, for example"have made nonsense of this in the ...
Phyllis Stewart Schlafly passed away on Monday after half a century of warning us about the dangers of feminism and I"m convinced she died of a broken heart. After discovering ...
The Week's Dinkiest, Stinkiest, and Kinkiest Headlines DONALD TRUMP's MEXICAN HOLIDAY Last week was probably the strongest one yet in Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, ...
Just about this time of year, 42 years ago, Dunhill’s of London, the famed tobacconist, had a bold idea. The president of Dunhill’s, Richard Dunhill, flew 32 backgammon ...
SANDY HOOK, N.J."I need some French gendarmes in riot gear out here at Gunnison Beach. Can we borrow some? It's hard to find any American police officers who will walk up to ...
The Brits are big on weddings, and Pippa is getting hitched sometime this autumn, or maybe later on, when the English weather is at its best. If any Takimag readers are not ...
It's hijab vu all over again. Each "new" Muslim regalia hoo-ha"this week, it's the French burkini battle"makes me feel like I"m trapped in Turkish Groundhog ...
The Week's Most Seductive, Instructive, and Counterproductive Headlines NIGEL FARAGE BOARDS THE TRUMP TRAIN Nigel “Mr. Brexit” Farage joined Donald “Our Lord ...
Okay, sports fans, the Games are over, Uncle Sam and Britain hit pay dirt, and the prettiest girl of the Olympics was Morgan Lake, a black Brit high jumper who wins the gold medal ...
Although France is on the same downward slide as Britain, you can tell that it has not yet descended quite as far because it did not win as many medals in the Olympic Games as ...