BBC Media City, Manchester

Beeb Fever

If Taki's readers know about Maclean's magazine at all, it's because Pat Buchanan alerted them to a trial under way in Canada in 2008 to determine whether or not Canada's oldest ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Dysgenic, Unhygienic, and Inauthentic Headlines UNITED NATIONS: "€œSTOP TRUMP"€ The United Nations is a wonderful organization that was built upon World War ...

Fourscore Troubadour

Although my birthday was in August, I chose the rather autumnal melancholy moment of September to celebrate it—mourn it, rather. There are no ifs or buts about it, turning 80 is ...

Norma by Vincenzo Bellini - original cast

A Night at the Opera

It often seems to me that the first qualification for producers of operas these days is proneness to severe lapses of taste, a kind of epilepsy of the judgment, or even a complete ...

Denial Is Dead

Holocaust denial is dead, but no one knows it. Worse, it appears as though no one wants to know. Not the media, not Jews, and especially not Jew-haters. But it's true. Denial has ...

Tragically Hysterical

I can"€™t believe I have to write about "€œcultural appropriation"€ again/now/anymore. But as another Clinton veers toward the White House, and a new Blair Witch movie ...

Rioting: The Unbeatable High

It's fun watching the pundits on CNN try to intellectualize the riots in Charlotte. They bounce stats around and wonder aloud if the protesters are more angry about 19th-century ...

Burt Lancaster and Claudia Cardinale in The Leopard

Hankering for the Past

Sicily – Under the watchful eye of Mount Etna the storied past of the island lies parched and yellowish, but as one gets nearer to the fiery growling giant the air turns cool, ...

Don King

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Neurotic, Narcotic, and Sclerotic Headlines DON KING: “THE WHITE WOMAN” SHOULD VOTE FOR TRUMP Legendary boxing promoter Don King is known for his ...

Barney Fife Runs North Carolina

NEW YORK"€”I"€™m gonna explain this Pat McCrory thing to you. As his world crumbles around him, Pat McCrory keeps doubling down on the "€œKeep Our Public Bathrooms ...

Vincent van Gogh

Diagnosing the Dead

Beginning with Roger Fry's elevation of Vincent van Gogh to secular sainthood, the Dutch painter first became a middlebrow, then a mass-market, martyr. For those who find the Real ...

United States-Mexico border wall in Progreso Lakes, Texas.

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Conspiratorial, Dictatorial, and Accusatorial Headlines MEXICAN NEWSPAPER: WE NEED TO BUILD A WALL A newspaper in that wondrously vibrant, spicy, technologically ...

Dojo Healing

I’m jittery and fragile but free of plaster and in the dojo, slowly turning lean and muscular. Never listen to your doctor, is my message. Instead of two months in a cast I ...

Walsall’s Competition

Of all Western European countries, England is the most richly endowed with unutterably dismal towns and cities, in part the heritage of the Industrial Revolution and in part that ...

World Trade Centre Oculus

Oculus Schmoculus

NEW YORK"€”I"€™m standing in "€œThe Oculus"€ on 9/11 and several thoughts are going through my mind. Like, what the heck is an oculus? I know it's the Latin word for ...

“€˜Roast”€™ Writers: Ann Coulter Hurt Our Feelings!

The overall quality of Comedy Central's celebrity roasts might have declined measurably since the untimely death of Greg Giraldo (arguably the best roaster ever"€”sorry, Jeff ...

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