When I was young and writing history essays, I kept a store of useful quotations in my head, somebody else's words being a neat or at least easy way of kicking off. Likewise when ...
In the lead-up to the Fahrenheit 451 reenactment planned for Milo Yiannopoulos" upcoming book Dangerous, Buzzfeed and its coterie ran pieces on the incendiary's previous ...
"She made a show about how single career women could still have fulfilling lives, with the help of the powerful TV executive she was married to." My Facebook friend Tom ...
KANSAS CITY, Mo."Last week, when I outed myself as an Angry White Man, I got some of that dreaded "nativist" fan mail. (Is it my imagination or has the word ...
The Week's Most Benign, Anodyne, and Asinine Headlines NEW PRESIDENT SPROUTS WINGS AND SOARS In his first week as President of These Here United States, Our Glorious Leader ...
On 30 March, 1933, the great German recorder of daily life under the Third Reich, Victor Klemperer, noticed a balloon in a toy shop inscribed with a swastika. In my newspaper on ...
GSTAAD—The snows came tumbling down just as the camel drivers headed back to the Gulf. In fact, they never saw the white outdoor stuff. And a good thing it was, too. The outdoor ...
When it comes to how the right should deal with Hollywood leftism, Andrew Breitbart, much as he did on the night of his passing, took the long way home. He advocated a complex ...
Remember the supermarket scene near the end of the Iraq War movie The Hurt Locker? Jeremy Renner plays an Explosive Ordnance Disposal technician. After countless telephoto shots ...
Women rarely fail to let me down. There's a Roz Chast cartoon showing one lady shouting at another: "The price of Kleenex WAS SO 47 cents in 1963!" That sentence ...
The Week’s Most Sportive, Supportive, and Abortive Headlines WOMEN MARCH ON WASHINGTON, PRETENDING THEY DON"T HAVE EQUAL RIGHTS On Friday, January 20, 2017, Donald ...
ATHENS—I can only sardonically ask whether it was worth it. To be executed after unspeakable torture without giving anything away—and for what? Fat, greedy, avaricious, and ...
Like many who had read, enjoyed, and admired Hemingway, I read A.E. Hotchner's memoir Papa Hemingway soon after it came out. That would have been four or five years after ...
I"m headed to Deploraball tonight! It's a gala event where Trump supporters will be dressed to the nines while calmly drinking and dancing together at a venue they paid for ...
Frank Sinatra's Secret Service code name was "Napoleon." Before you can finish asking, "Why did he need one?" you"ll remember: JFK was practically a member ...
The Week's Most Obsructionist, Reductionist, and Deconstructionist Headlines TRUMP BITCH-SLAPS MEDIA AT PRESS CONFERENCE Donald Julius Caesar Trump"who becomes President of ...