In my column several weeks ago, I took a swipe at certain types of Christian conservatives, suggesting that their belief in the reality of "demonic possession" leads them ...
I haven"t cared about the Oscars since 1992's Silence of the Lambs sweep. Like, I presume, 99 percent of Takimag readers, I won"t be tuning in on Feb. 26, when one of the ...
The Week’s Most Corrosive, Implosive, and Erosive Headlines McCAIN DANCES AN IRISH JIG FOR HIS GLOBALIST OVERLORDS John McCain is a decrepit and senile leprechaun who ...
GSTAAD—One’s unpopularity for calling it a night diminishes in direct proportion to the severity of the next morning’s hangover. I was literally booed by Geoffrey Moore ...
Self-love used to be a vice, but nowadays it is the nearest thing to a virtue, as a supposed precondition of our own mental health (whatever that might be). An Irish friend ...
They say the North likes blacks in theory but not in practice, while the South likes blacks in practice but not in theory. I think I"m a Southerner at heart, which makes ...
The most "Valentine's Day" thing I"m doing this Valentine's Day is publishing this Valentine's Day column. Of sorts. Regulars know I"m not much of a romantic. ...
The Week's Most Homicidal, Suicidal, and Genocidal Headlines BILL KRISTOL CALLS FOR WHITE WORKING CLASS TO BE REPLACED Bill Kristol is a pot-bellied garden gnome with a ...
When I was young my recurring nightmare was that I would die and be reincarnated as a polo pony. I squeezed in lots of polo in the years I played, at least three matches per week, ...
My days of appearing in court as an expert witness in murder trials are over, but I am still interested in advocacy and am an admirer of advocates (contrary to a commonly ...
For too many months, for the first time in forty years, we were without a dog. Wattie, the last of a trio of clumber spaniels, had died, gently, of old age. It's wise, of course, ...
Ace Backwords doesn"t recognize Berkeley anymore. Sure, some of that can be attributed to his admitted drinking problem. But in a more figurative sense, the local icon and ...
Americans left and right are, understandably, only interested in "Canadian initiatives," ("worthwhile" or otherwise) when these can be whittled into pointed sticks ...
TO: Shane Kimbrough, Commander, International Space Station FROM: Zeb Scoville, Flight Director, Johnson Space Center, Houston Subject: Upcoming briefing for Andrei Borisenko, ...
The Week’s Trickiest, Stickiest, and Ickiest Headlines BOY SCOUTS WILL ACCEPT GIRLS WHO THINK THEY’RE BOYS In over 100 years of its existence, the Boy Scouts of ...
When I saw an e-mail waiting from Lucy, the lady who has the unenviable task of editing my copy each week, I knew something was wrong. And sure enough it was, the bad news that my ...