One of Britain's royal princes has revealed to tens of millions of his closest and dearest friends and acquaintances, via an interview in a newspaper, that he found the period ...
If the Clintons were not as down-market as they are, they would have fit in perfectly in 15th-century Florence, the city that gave us Botticelli and Cellini, and also the Medici, ...
What is it with Republicans and Hitler? I mean, really, how difficult is it to avoid Hitler gaffes? Some of the best GOP stumbles in recent memory have involved one of two topics: ...
American academia markets itself as progressive if not downright radical. For example, here's a self-description by an assistant professor of Critical Identity Studies at Beloit ...
"While Rand's inner circle continued to fray, Objectivism in New York was reaching fever pitch. With much fanfare, in May 1967 NBI signed fifteen-year lease on offices in the ...
We are told"actually, we have it drilled into our skulls with nonstop ideological jackhammers and Shame Tasers almost from birth"that no one is "born racist," ...
The Week's Snappiest, Crappiest, and Unhappiest Headlines "MOTHER OF ALL BOMBS" ACCUSED OF SEXISM Fulfilling Donald Trump's campaign promise to "bomb the shit out ...
NEW YORK—Things that I once loved (Fifth Avenue and 57th Street, brownstone terraces on hot summer afternoons, cold beer and fried eggs on 59th and 5th at 5 a.m. after a night ...
"Based Matt Forney" occupies the section of the alt-right Venn diagram where white nationalism, irreligious moralizing about sexual perversion, and Rooshian "men's ...
I call them the "Ackchyuallies": the concern trolls who reflexively politicize and pollute every occasion of mass recollection, wailing, "Columbus was a mass ...
The Week’s Most Abusive, Intrusive, and Exclusive Headlines HAS TRUMP GONE FULL NEOCON? We regret to inform our readers that last Thursday, Donald Trump authorized the US ...
I’d gladly exchange waistlines with him if he’d teach me to cut a phrase the way he does—in print, that is. I’m talking about none other than The Spectator’s “Brute” ...
A few years ago my wife and I planted some cherry trees on our land in France, and now they are in bloom. The strange thing is that I can stand and look at the blossom, if not for ...
Dr. Frankenstein had nothing on leftists. Frankenstein's monster merely terrorized the countryside. The monsters birthed by the left tend to terrorize countries, cultures, and ...
Just as the 21st century has witnessed the paradox of the rhetoric of white privilege and the reality of white death, we"ve also seen increasing black privilege, but with the ...
Filmmaker John Waters is one of those weather-vane celebs whom conservatives celebrate when they point in roughly the right direction. For instance, and ironically, I"m ...