Self-portrait with a sunflower, Anthony van Dyck

The Deal of the Art

Like most governments these days, the Irish government is a patron of the arts. The problem is that most governments know as much about the arts as I know about how to select ...

Ernst Zundel

The (Chosen) People vs. Ernst Zundel

In the forty-year battle between Ernst Zundel and the Jews, I think we can finally declare a winner. Hold on to your hats, folks, because the end result is a real shocker. In ...

The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University

Dumb and Dumber

Are campus leftists getting dumber? It sure seems that way. For example, a black activist stabbed four students yesterday at the University of Texas, murdering one. That's just ...

Sylvia Plath

Career Suicide

Decades after dying by her own hand, a renowned female American poet makes the news. Sessions with her psychotherapist become public, revealing accusations of abuse and other ...

Bill Nye

Bill Nye’s Fake Science

Bill Nye became famous in the 1990s with a PBS kids"€™ show called Bill Nye The Science Guy. His new series for Netflix is called Bill Nye Saves the World. See the difference ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Detestable, Suggestible, and Indigestible Headlines POP SUPERSTAR ACCUSED OF ENABLING ANTI-SEMITISM Baby-faced pop singer Justin Bieber has earned a ...

Master Class

Twenty-five years ago this week, Los Angeles was burning because of Rodney King’s beating by the fuzz and I had my shoulder sliced open by a doctor in order to repair torn ...

Dress to Regress

What I really hate about Facebook is Mark Zuckerberg's T-shirts. Of course, his whole invention (if that is what one should call it) is an incitement to man's reprehensible ...

Divorce Your Wife

As Louis C.K. says, "€œNo good marriage has ever ended in divorce."€ You made a go of it, but for whatever reason it didn"€™t work out. The solution is simple: end it. Life ...

Be Like Mike (Pence)

Poor Bill O"€™Reilly…taken down by a combination of corporate cowardice, female coworkers, and his own boorishness. It's an ignominious end to the career of a highly ...

How the Internet Made Us Authors and Most Authors Awful

In the spirit of the primped humility that is clitsch, "€œI"€™m not going to lie"€: A Black Mirror episode inspired this piece. We"€™ve heard the sound: the "€œso ...

Affliction Du Jour

There Affectation, with a sickly mien, Shows in her cheek the roses of eighteen, Practis"€™d to lisp, and hang the head aside, Faints into airs, and languishes with pride, On ...

Then Again, Maybe I”€™m a Black Man

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn."€”I"€™m loving all these commercials where dim-witted actors say, "€œI thought I was a Tahitian Eskimo Mexican until I sent in my DNA test ...

Kori Muhammad

The Wages of Pathological Altruism

Here's what I know about Kori Ali Muhammad: First off, he's black. He can"€™t shut up about it. He's one of those latter-day American blacks who has his head so far up his ass ...

Marine Le Pen

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Hurried, Worried, and Curried Headlines FRANCE VOTES ON WHETHER TO COMMIT SUICIDE Today French voters go to the polls in the first round of their presidential ...

Always Room to Boom Boom

If any more proof were needed that Brexit is the best thing to happen to Britain since 1066 and all that, here it is: Geologists have at last assembled a picture of the forces ...

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