In the literal sense, the West triumphed in the Cold War. Nevertheless, a kind of creeping sovietization has overtaken it as if in revenge. I don"t want to exaggerate, or ...
The dinner party at an old friend’s house was as chic as it gets. Then a Trump insider asked, “Who is the American president who had an affair with a French president’s ...
The confluence of factors that landed Donald Trump in the White House was something we are not likely to see again for some time. Somehow, angst over low-skilled-job loss, a ...
We"ve all heard Samuel Johnson's famous adage about patriotism being the last refuge of a scoundrel, but I"ve always believed it's racism that's the last refuge of a ...
Justin Ropke is dead. He was an Afghanistan war vet who got addicted to heroin and"like pretty much everyone who enjoys that drug"he OD"d. I know of him because he was ...
NEW YORK"Stop fiddling with your phone. This is my theme today. I want you to consider some cause-and-effect scenarios. Maybe the reason you got jostled from behind three ...
I subject every new, hotly touted study to the Grandma Says test. That is, if you stick the phrase "Grandma says" in front of the study's headline-making finding, and ...
Ed Murray, Seattle's überliberal mayor, proposed a 1.75-cent-per-ounce tax on all sugary drinks sold in the city. This would include the sodas plus energy drinks like Red Bull, ...
The Week's Choppiest, Floppiest, and Sloppiest Headlines TRUMP FIRES FBI DIRECTOR On May 2 of this year, Hillary Clinton"the sorest loser in political history"blamed FBI ...
Much like the poor, the charity ball has always been with us, but lately it’s turned into a freak show. Something is rotten in the state of New York, and the name of it is the ...
The sentencing of the governor of Jakarta to two years" imprisonment for blasphemy may seem like a throwback to medieval intolerance, but it is far more than that. It is a ...
Byron Rogers, a journalist whose work I always enjoy, has a nice story about some discovery relating perhaps to King Arthur that spawned a conference that caught the attention of ...
World-renowned space-traveler and recording artist William Shatner upset wide swaths of the progressive sci-fi nerd community last week when he dared to allege that women ...
The Week's Most Mannish, Spanish, and Klannish Headlines BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS: THE SEQUEL As you read this, there may be blood flowing in the streets of New Orleans. Two years ...
I’m sitting in my office room and the place is still. The rest of the house is dark. Everyone’s out and I’m here writing about the death of a friend. I haven’t felt such ...
Like most governments these days, the Irish government is a patron of the arts. The problem is that most governments know as much about the arts as I know about how to select ...