Stealing Gender From a Baby

A Canadian child born last November is thought to be the first person in the world issued a government health card without a gender designation. Prediction: This child will grow ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Nationalistic, Chauvinistic, and Voyeuristic Headlines TRUMP INVADES POLAND Poland is a proud nation in Eastern Europe which has endured endless invasions and ...

Camilla Duchess of Cornwall

The Royal Treatment

A funny thing happened on my way to lunch last week. I opened the Daily Mail and read a few snippets about the Camilla-Charles saga by Penny Junor, stuff to make strong men weep ...

Glastonbury Campsite

Pray for Rain

In my salad days as vulgarity correspondent"€”that is to say, a reporter on the disgusting ways in which young British people so often chose to behave"€”I was sent one year to ...

In Defense of Al Jazeera

It's probable that few of us in the West have much time for either Saudi Arabia or Qatar. There are exceptions, of course. Our governments treat them as useful allies in the ...

American Airlines Is Messing With My Head

NEW YORK"€”I don"€™t care about being the first one to board the plane. In fact, I wanna be the last one to board the plane. The seats in the waiting area are more ...

Happy 4th of July, Slants and Redskins!

For far too many political-opinion writers, Independence Day has turned into an annual bitchfest about the U.S., with an inescapable flood of op-eds about how America is ...

John McEnroe

Ending Gender Discrimination in Professional Sports

The current year is 2017, people, so why are we still segregating male and female athletes? Don"€™t they know that gender is a social construct and everyone's ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Nefarious, Precarious, and Hilarious Headlines MULTIPLE STATES RESIST FEDERAL INQUIRY INTO VOTER FRAUD Since every sane and patriotic American is a member of The ...

Talking Ship

A major Greek shipowner, whose political knowledge matches his wealth and business acumen, explained to me what the Qatar brouhaha is all about. My friend had the foresight to ...


I have long admired taxi drivers. They are often well-informed and have a clear-eyed view of human nature that is neither cynical nor sentimental. In the days when there were such ...

George Soros

Stay Hungary

Once upon a time the American Establishment enjoyed business paragons such as David Rockefeller, Daniel Ludwig, William Paley, Henry Ford II, not to mention Thomas Watson and his ...

Canadian Poutine

Canada’s 150th From A to Zed

Canada turns 150 this weekend, which is weird because it's only 37. The left is trying to make this aboot "€œa celebration of indigenous genocide"€ because they"€™re party ...

Black Clouds Over the Rainbow

In case you weren"€™t aware because you"€™re some kind of bigoted and closeted asshole, this is Pride Month. Across our rainbow-colored planet, men who enjoy shoving other ...

U.S. Supreme Court

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Delicious, Nutritious, and Seditious Headlines ONWARD AND N-WORD: SUPREME COURT RULES THAT "€œHATE SPEECH"€ IS PROTECTED Relax, America: It's time to start ...

Jeremy Corbyn

Collective Stupidity

The most famous epigrammatic nugget of wisdom appears in The Leopard, Lampedusa’s great novel of a noble Sicilian family’s fortunes, and it is “If we want things to stay as ...

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