The Week’s Soggiest, Foggiest, and Groggiest Headlines STEVIE WONDER: CLIMATE DENIERS ARE BLIND Last Tuesday—undoubtedly guided onstage by his handlers—Grammy-winning ...
I’m in Venice for the film festival that just ended, and as an American humorist once wired his paper, “Streets full of water, stop. Send funds, stop.” What is there to say ...
NEW YORK—News executives love disasters. They get to act like Chuck Norris and Assemble the Squad. “Maginnis, you cover first responders.” “Wilson, get over to NOAA and ...
My friend Jerry Pournelle has died at age 84. Jerry was the embodiment of a famous quote by his mentor in the science-fiction business, Robert A. Heinlein: A human being should be ...
Move over, Muhammad; you’re no longer the only sacred icon that can’t be drawn as a cartoon. Black people are now on the small and exclusive list of things that will spark an ...
The Week’s Most Artificial, Superficial, and Prejudicial Headlines BEING TOUGH ON BORDERS (ELSEWHERE) Without borders there is no nation, which is why those who oppose American ...
No doubt it is a sign of advancing age, and also of retirement, that these days I always take a siesta. This increases my productivity greatly, for I am energetically clearheaded ...
After the heat in Greece, the Alps are cool and green and very comfortable. My sensei Richard Amos is over here, and we squeezed two weeks of intensive karate training into three ...
This year marks the 20th anniversary of one of the odder best-sellers of the 1990s, polymath Jared Diamond’s ambitiously entitled but rather dry Guns, Germs, and Steel: The ...
Our grieving nation breathed a sigh of relief when the Associated Press broke the news that Hurricane Harvey was not a racist. “Black, white, rich, poor: Storm Harvey didn’t ...
The Week’s Most Cynical, Inimical, and Atypical Headlines KEITH OLBERMANN CONTINUES LOSING HIS MARBLES A long, long time ago in a country much unlike the USA in 2017, Keith ...
I was appalled. She had asked Lord John Somerset to ask me to join her, and I rose rather unsteadily to do so. This was during a Jimmy Goldsmith ball, and I was writing the ...
The young man at the supermarket checkout asked me if I would be watching the fight. “No,” I said, “more a media event than sport.” He wasn’t convinced. He would be ...
Much of the mania of the moment stems from a growing crisis of faith among elites over how much longer they can expect the ideological dogmas under which they have prospered so ...
Former Washington Post columnist Colman McCarthy is literally Mr. Peace. He founded the Washington Peace Center in D.C., and he’s taught classes on peace and nonviolence at ...
I woke up this morning, sneezed, and then suddenly every white person in the world was a “white supremacist.” And if they try to deny it, well, that only means they are white ...