There is a 42-year-old mother in Houston who, in her mad longing to be “the perfect woman,” has had eight plastic surgeries, a tummy tuck, a liposuction, a Brazilian butt ...
NEW YORK—When the most popular music video in the world (3.8 billion views) is about the premeditated stalking of a woman by not just one but two guys while telling her in ...
Former president Jimmy Carter is seen by some, rightly or wrongly, as someone who has never been terribly fond of Jews. I would argue that even if a case can be made that Carter ...
Last week an up-and-coming rapper known as Young Dolph was shot multiple times in Los Angeles. It appears that he will live, which portends wonderful things for his musical ...
The Week’s Most Magnetic, Prophetic, and Apathetic Headlines HUGH HEFNER: DEATH OF A “SADISTIC PIMP” If Playboy founder and American icon Hugh Hefner had died a generation ...
Recently I made reference to the criticism Simon Leys made of a book by Maria-Antonietta Macchiocchi. He said that the most charitable interpretation that could be put on it was ...
I think this week marks my fortieth anniversary as a Spectator columnist, but I’m not 100 percent certain. All I know is that I was 39 or 40 years old when the column began, and ...
The other evening I chaired an event in Edinburgh at which Robert Harris was introducing his splendid new novel, Munich. It’s sure to be a best-seller, deservedly, and Harris ...
NEW YORK—I’ve decided to take a knee. There’s been too much police brutali— Wait a minute, is taking a knee about police brutality? Why did Colin Kaepernick say he was ...
A moral crusade at The New York Times typically begins with an in-depth, above-the-fold front-page story, followed days later by an editorial-page sermon. And so it goes with the ...
The German word “Vernichtungskrieg” (“extermination war”) refers to a war in which there can be no negotiated peace, no truce, no détente. One side wants the other side ...
We hear a whole heapin’ hootin’ helluva lotta ’bout “hatred” these days, but hardly anyone attempts to define what that word means. A lot of people seem to want to kill ...
The Week’s Most Aggressive, Obsessive, and Oppressive Headlines VALERIE PLAME NAMES THE WRONG NAME As everyone knows, only some loser goofball anti-Semite would suggest ...
As everyone who stands up when a lady enters the room knows, the once-sacrosanct civil rules throughout the West have all but disappeared. The deterioration of manners has ...
GREENVILLE, S.C.—Tobe Hooper passed away the same night Hurricane Harvey hit Texas, making it impossible for him to be properly honored in Austin or anywhere else. You could ...
Affirmative action privileges for blacks and (to a lesser extent) Hispanics have been a near-universal feature of college admissions for what is now approaching a half century. ...