Trial by Fury

Everyone knows, or thinks he knows, the dangers of nationalism and its practical corollary, the nation-state. The dangers are foreign wars of conquest, xenophobia, irredentism, ...

Protect Kids or Confiscate Guns?

In days gone by, a massacre of students like the atrocity at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School would have brought us together. But like so many atrocities before it, this mass ...

Kate Steinle

The Failed Democratic Experiment

“Down with reason—up with feeling!” This sentimental motto might be the ruling principle of our failed democratic experiment. Where there is great wealth, there is usually ...

No Child Killer Left Behind

A moral crusade at The New York Times typically begins with an in-depth, above-the-fold front-page story, followed days later by an editorial-page sermon. And so it goes with the ...

Social Justice or Revenge?

Over the weekend in Milwaukee, a black cop shot and killed an armed black man. In response, throngs of howling blacks rioted, looted, committed arson, and randomly attacked ...

Black Cop, Drunk Jew, White City

In my previous column, I mentioned, somewhat in passing, the importance of being aware of one's own biases. While the average human can never truly be bias-free, and keeping in ...

Racial Ratios

Earlier this month, John Rivers tweeted out his hope for the future: I dream of a world where a mid­level manager in a mid­level company can accurately quote FBI crime ...

Sorry Excuse

An English judge called Beverley Lunt, known locally for her leniency, recently suspended the prison sentence of two brothers who appeared before her because they were contrite, ...

“€œThey Was Scaring Me”€

If there is any justice in the world, Ricky Javon Gray has only six weeks left to live. On New Year's Day 2006, Gray and an accomplice tortured and murdered an entire family in ...

Washington D.C.

Pols on Patrol

2015 may be the last year when Americans think of Washington, D.C., as a safe city. Last June, a video of a brutal beating between two black men on the city's Metro line went ...

Oscar Pistorius

The Person Behind the Door

The verdicts in the case of Oscar Pistorius, and the reasoning behind them, seem to me curious. Either Pistorius was guilty of murdering his girlfriend or he was guilty of ...

Interview With a Drug Casualty

Of the 2.2 million Americans in prison right now, about half are there for drug-related offenses. It's a tricky number to determine because felonies such as murder, assault, ...

How to Hire Better Cops

With the Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Martin O"€™Malley being shouted down at a progressive convention for not abasing themselves fully enough to a ...

Pistols at Dawn?

There is an English writer who is going around telling all and sundry that I made a pass at his wife. Now, Englishmen are known not to get too excited about such matters, but in ...

White Terrorists and Niggardly Limes

On June 24, NBC News prominently featured a story on its website headlined "€œWhite Americans Are Biggest Terror Threat in U.S.: Study."€ Clicking the link took readers to a ...

A Fireable Thought

When a Nobel Prize winner can be hounded from his university chair by the harridans of the Internet (or any other self-constituted group of fanatics), the outlook for freedom of ...

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