Kamala Harris

The Prosecutor vs. The Felon

I see that Democrats are going with the image of Kamala Harris as a bad-ass prosecutor. Hey, wait! Maybe now they'll finally have an opportunity to mention that Donald Trump is a CONVICTED FELON. Did you know he was found guilty of THIRTY-FOUR FELONIES by a jury? (I'm not sure where, but it must have been in a neutral jurisdiction.) Thus, Harris' first speech since becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee began with her boasting about the cases she'd handled as San Francisco district attorney: "Predators who abused women, fraudsters who ripped off consumers, cheaters who broke the rules ...

Jared the Jerk

Despite the catcalls and boos from some friends and even my wife, I was tickled to death on that November night of 2016 when The Donald was proclaimed America’s 45th president. ...

George Soros

The Last Living Holocaust Mass Murderer

At 92 years old, George Soros is the last human experientially connected to the Holocaust who’s still actively taking lives. Sure, there are a few elderly ex-Nazis being dragged ...

Ernesto Che Guevara

Keny’s Road to Eden

In times past, people used to preen themselves on being good Christians, but now they preen themselves on being good radicals or even good revolutionaries. Such preening is never ...

Princess Diana

Di, a Thousand Deaths

August is called the silly season by English hacks, as the Brits like to call journalists. Most people are on vacation; the days are lazy, sunny, and long; and “stop the ...

NYT: Why are All These Racist Losers so Angry?

Today we'll talk about how to write the classic New York Times column, using Thomas Edsall's recent "Trumpism Without Borders" as our example. It must have taken him about 40 ...

Mel Gibson

Rightward Grift

In last week’s column, I advised my readers to appreciate life’s nuances. And there’s a nuance in the “cancel culture” wars that’s often overlooked. Question: Why was ...

Hagia Sophia

It’s Time to Check Neo-Ottomanism

While the United States and China are locked in a new cold war that looks destined to shape the course of international politics for years to come, another, more regional power ...

We Are All Parasites

It so happened that I was reading a book about gurus when I first heard of Adam Neumann. Not moving in the circles of billionaires, or alleged billionaires, and leading a very ...

Statue of Vladimir Lenin, Moldova

The Qualities of a Leader

There are certain public figures upon whose face I cannot bear to look. They are not necessarily the very worst of such figures. For example, I don’t mind looking at, indeed I ...

Jessica Yaniv

Waxing Your Balls for Social Justice

If there is a Next Wave of Transgenderism, Jonathan Yaniv is surfing its crest. He’s such an odd duck, even many trannies are distancing themselves from him. Jonathan is his ...

Max Boot

Max Boot, Enemy of the Right

The neoconservative movement has always been more of an alternative left than a school of conservatism proper. Hence the right’s main enemy has long been not the left, but the ...

In Praise of Proud Boys

In terms of “optics,” last week was not a great one for the right. First, there was the arrest of “MAGAbomber” Cesar Sayoc. Now, I know this one is still hotly debated by ...

Fidel Castro - Uzbekistan, 1963

Castro’s Utopian Hellhole

Fidel Castro is dead, so that's cool. Born to wealth and privilege and educated in exclusive private schools"€”which seems to be the case with all communist fanatics I"€™ve ...

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