Bill Maher

The Firing Squad

Not to fall prey to bitter emotion is easier said than avoided. And, far more often than I"€™d like, I become the inflamed possession of spite's nefarious claw, particularly ...

Fremont Street, Las Vegas

Vegas Knows What to Do With a High Roller

PALM BEACH, Fla."€”Hunter S. Thompson used to mail me giant photos of objects being blown to smithereens with dynamite or flung from some kind of skeet contraption so they could ...

The Wealth Gap

The claim by Oxfam, the charity that so loves the poor that it is safe to predict that it will never abolish itself no matter how rich humanity becomes, that the eight richest men ...

Boeing 737

Trump Right on Trade Predators

Is America still a serious nation? Consider. While U.S. elites were denouncing Donald Trump as unfit to serve for having compared Miss Universe 1996 to “Miss Piggy” ...

Joseph Stiglitz

When Mediocrity Strikes

I think I too could be a Nobel Prize winner in economics"€”at least if an interview with Joseph Stiglitz in a recent edition of Le Figaro, the French newspaper, on the occasion ...

How CVS Invaded My Brain

NEW YORK"€”There's some guy at the world headquarters of CVS drugstores screwing with me. I don"€™t know who he is yet, but he lives in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. This is ...

Globalization Is a Monster

Most of us can agree that Karl Marx got it wrong. It wasn"€™t only that the Revolution didn"€™t come in the advanced industrial and capitalist countries as he expected but in ...

The Debt Offensive

God help Donald Trump's critics. The paroxysms they have after the mogul"€“turned"€“GOP nominee's policy pronouncements can"€™t be good for their health. The latest is a ...

Follow the Money

My, my, the rich are under attack everywhere, and I thank God the Panama Papers didn’t include the name of the poor little Greek boy. Legality being my middle name, I took legal ...

Andrew Jackson

Chopping Down Old Hickory

Instead of wishing he"€™d shot Henry Clay, I bet Andrew Jackson is now wishing he could plug Treasury Secretary Jack Lew. This week, Secretary Lew is expected to announce that ...

The Panama Cabal

When the news broke that more than 11 million documents had, in effect, been stolen from the Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, my first reaction was one of awe. Eleven million! ...

Feminism Is Ruining Women’s Soccer

"€œEqual pay for equal work should be a fundamental principle of our economy,"€ bellowed President Obama on Tuesday while commemorating Equal Pay Day. "€œIt's the idea that ...

Turning Tricks Into Sympathy

Thirty years ago, a taxi driver in Mexico City taught me, though I cannot remember the exact context in which he did so, some lines from Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, the learned ...

Ketamine & Well-Being

"€œIt blew the doors off what we thought we knew about depression treatment."€ So said psychiatrist James Murrough of New York's Mount Sinai Hospital, in reference to a ...

No Taxation of Menstruation!

Yes, the Daily Mail has too many typos and stopped displaying correctly on Firefox last week"€”and somehow nobody in charge of captions recognized impossible-to-miss future ...

Nygard Residence, Nassau

Wilderness: For Sale?

The Bahamas"€”A calm swath of turquoise sea protected by a hundred-mile string of islands and cays delimit the Atlantic's blue-dark depths, to the east: an organic barrier as ...

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