We Are All Parasites

It so happened that I was reading a book about gurus when I first heard of Adam Neumann. Not moving in the circles of billionaires, or alleged billionaires, and leading a very ...

Absa Bank, Johannesburg

Lebedev Takes On the West

A recent article in The Spectator about Alexander Lebedev makes interesting reading; almost as interesting as the man himself. Born to parents belonging to the Soviet nomenklatura ...

Fat People Are Killing Us

Last Friday was World Obesity Day, and I celebrated by continuing to stay in shape. Every three years, excess body fat kills twice as many people than the Holocaust supposedly ...

The Woke Sports Fraud

Throughout his brilliant career, Michael Jordan was notoriously silent on political issues, even though many people urged him to speak out in support of left-wing causes. The ...

If You Don’t Shut Up, I’m Gonna Blockchain Your Ass

PITTSBURGH—Guys, you’re probably wondering what you get for your five mil when you buy into Whistlestop Zulu, and the answer is Blockchain On Steroids. We’ve gone so deep ...

Route 27

The Shinnecock Erection

The Indians are getting uppity, at least in Southampton. After a couple centuries of relative peace, the Shinnecock tribe has erected a six-story electronic billboard on ...

Who You Gonna Believe: Netflix, or the Evidence?

Last week, we reviewed the evidence of "innocence" of the "Central Park 5" presented in the court of Hollywood. This week, we'll review the evidence of their guilt -- presented in ...

The Parable of the Nazi Pizza

Susan Pang was one of the most attractive women I’ve ever known. Born in Hong Kong but raised in the U.S., one parent was a right ol’ proper servant of ’Er Majesty’s ...

The (Burger) King of Racism

I won’t use her real name, because she’s not a public figure. Indeed, she may be dead for all I know, although I certainly hope she isn’t. I met Tressa in 1996. She was a ...

Jack Ma

The Joe Bob Briggs 168-Hour Workweek

MADISON, Miss.—Jack Ma, founder of Alibaba, is a big believer in the twelve-hour workday and the six-day workweek. He’s basically a guy who forgot to read Charles Dickens in ...

Hudson Yards

See NYC! Admission Price $11!

NEW YORK—March 1, 2018, will go down as the day New York officially became a Museum City. I don’t mean a city full of great museums, I mean a city that’s become a ...

Serena Williams

Nike and the Phantom Bigots

If you watched the 2019 Oscars, a spellbinding Nike commercial entitled “Dream Crazier” might have caught your eye. The commercial began with a compelling score, gripping ...

Gillette Can Kiss My Smooth Cheeks

NEW YORK—The Gillette Fusion5 ProShield is such an amazing razor that I’m willing to stand in the middle of CVS Pharmacy and wait as long as necessary for the Gillette ...

A Question of When, Not If

There are few quiet pleasures greater than that of contemplating future catastrophe. Fortunately, we are spoiled for choice; if it isn’t the return of the Spanish flu, it’s ...

Tax on Capital

One of the most curious French verbs known to me, at least as used by journalists in the context of economics, is débloquer, to unblock or release. Thus the French government is ...

State of the Art

A new study in Science, “Quantifying reputation and success in art,” documents that in the contemporary art world, it’s less a matter of what you know than whom you ...

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