Farewell, A Vaguely Accurate Portrayal of the Cold War

We won the Cold War two decades ago. Do we yet know why? As T.S. Eliot noted in Gerontion, “History has many cunning passages, contrived corridors…” In 1945, Winston Churchill banned all mention of the immense Ultra project that had broken the Nazi Enigma code. Ultra's 1974 declassification rewrote the history of WWII. Hence, there's time for new insights into the conflict with Communism to emerge. The Cold War offers a trove of gripping and unfamiliar stories. Slowly, European filmmakers have begun turning their attention to the biggest story that happened on their ...

Farewell, A Vaguely Accurate Portrayal of the Cold War

We won the Cold War two decades ago. Do we yet know why? As T.S. Eliot noted in Gerontion, “History has many cunning passages, contrived corridors…” In 1945, ...

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