Just in time for Christmas, the latest British census shows that since 2001, when 72% of the UK's denizens claimed to be Christians, the quotient has dropped thirteen percentage ...
On New Year's Day 1964, a louche, longhaired Leeds lad presented the first edition of the BBC's Top of the Pops from inside a converted Manchester church. Featured acts included ...
After four days of royalist reverie, the imported Union Jacks are starting to sag"drooping disconsolately as the proud people who "never ever shall be slaves" shake ...
Being recently stuck for many hours in an exceedingly narrow space on a plane headed from London to DC, I was desperate enough to grab that garish British tabloid the Daily Mail ...
While British troops gallantly and pointlessly put themselves in peril's way in Afghanistan, Iraq, and soon perhaps elsewhere, they must find great comfort knowing that back in ...
It is sometimes said that football is like a religion to the English. As the legendary Liverpool manager Bill Shankly once half-joked, football is more important than life or ...
They are both Conservative politicians and both Etonians of the same vintage, yet they are almost permanently at odds. Would it not be better for the party to have ...
The omens were bad from the beginning. The day after the IOC awarded the 2012 Olympics to London and while Mayor Ken Livingstone’s bidding team was celebrating in Singapore, ...
The most surprising news story in recent weeks was that of Emma West, a young lady of the type sneeringly referred to as “chav” (white working class, not fully trained in ...
Although the phrase is often misattributed to Antonio Gramsci, it was the Marxist creep Rudi Dutschke who famously suggested the political left could ultimately control society ...
I just flew back from England, and boy are my arms tired of the way their middle class sees the world—especially when ours is headed in the same direction. Their media is ...
It all started, says Darcus Howe, as an insurrection of a generation of poor, primarily, black people from the Caribbean and from Africa. Then it raced like a savannah fire ...
In 1653, the year Cromwell became Lord Protector of England, there appeared the first edition of what would become a classic—Izaak Walton’s The Compleat Angler. A country then ...
As the world struggles to make sense of Anders Breivik’s ugly, senseless slaughter and largely incoherent online manifesto, you might have thought that the Islamist fringe would ...
Ego olere ergo sum. (I stink, therefore I am.) Such could be the motto of the unpleasant and unwashed who these days routinely appear on a whim to riot in London’s streets. I ...
If one were to"hypothetically"shoot every other public-sector worker in the back of the head, I believe you would not notice a single blip, hiccup, or ripple in the ...