Israel Jumps the Shark

Have Israel and its supporters gone over the edge? As Israel defies the US on settlement policies and its continuing mistreatment of the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, a ...

The Wrath of North Korea

Should we still have 30,000 troops in North Korea, 50 years after that war ended? Given that the quickest way to gain international respect is to acquire nuclear weapons, do we ...

Thoroughly Modern Marxism

Not too long ago, Christopher Hitchens was busying himself justifying George W. Bush, the neocons, and the Iraq war"€”er, "€œliberation"€"€”on avowedly Marxian grounds. ...

The Amazing Catholic Bullshit Generator

This is the kind of article one writes with Kinky Friedman blasting in the background, and that's how it is meant to be read. Otherwise, the experience might prove a little too ...

A Letter to President Obama

From National Disgrace Online April 1, 2009 Dear President Obama, Be assured that no one surpasses us here at NDO in appreciating what you"€™ve done an overcoming of our ...

Mad Max

Sometimes neoconservatives, (or should I say movement conservatives?) say things that are so stupid that one mistakes them for satire. Last week the New York Post republished an ...

Save Your Candles”€”the Dark Ages Are Coming!

Editor Richard Spencer has asked me"€”and indeed all the Takimag gang"€”to record our predictions for the coming year, but I have to say that I take this to mean he wants us ...

The Saga of Sluttony

December not only marks the advent of "€œthe Holidays"€ but, for America's growing population of undergraduates, is a time of exams, papers, and NoDoz-assisted ...

The Black Comedy of Kwanzaa

As we clear away all the wrapping paper and wonder how long to leave up the decorations, the deeper meaning of the season easily eludes us. So it’s good that Friday’s ...

Our Ponzi Economy

As the multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme orchestrated by Wall Street insider Bernard Madoff unravels in the media spotlight, the nation is being presented with a rare opportunity ...

Let’s Start Up a New Wire-Tapping Program”€”on the Government!

When Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich was caught on tape trying to sell president-elect Barack Obama’s Senate seat, commented federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald: ...

Welcome to Obamaland!

Undeniably, a powerful tide is running for the Democratic Party, with one week left to Election Day. Bush’s approval rating is 27 percent, just above Richard ...

Sadomasochist Nation

When the Soviet Union collapsed, it seemed for 20 minutes or so that America might revert from being a crusade back into a country. For 50 years, we’d served as the arsenal ...

Me Vote Pretty This Time

Okay, of late I’ve been a really lousy political commentator. Not much of a citizen, either. I would have cheered on our guys and gals in the Olympics, had I known they were ...

There is No “€œU”€ in “€œWinner”€

So there I was at the 21 Club, eating raw meat with The Gun Lady….    That was the best journalistic lede I ever wrote—and it never saw print. My editor ...

Welcome to the Circus

Life is a circus, and we pundits are the ringmasters, and so, as we segue into the weekend, let’s take a look at what the clowns are up to .... The Prosecution Rests ...

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