Fly Away

Flies are like sheep: They seem to follow their leader, without it being clear which of them is their leader. This was my conclusion from watching flies approaching the flypaper I hung in my bedroom recently. Our house in the country is invaded by insects every year, a different species, or at most two species, taking it in turns, as if by rota. One year it was the turn of Cydalima perspectalis, the box tree moth, which covered the walls as graffiti artists cover concrete. This moth is a species that was introduced, like electric cars, into Europe from China, spread very rapidly, and wiped ...

Crazy Rich Asians Will Kill Us All

There’s a quote I’m sure you’ve heard, and it’s usually attributed to Einstein (although he was far from the first to say it, and even he said it different ways at ...

Fight or Flight

When nothing is too absurd to be false, it is scarcely any wonder that fake news flourishes. Therefore, I hesitated to believe that a large budget airline, easyJet, had instructed ...

Manhattan Beach, CA

Settle for Less, You White Bastards!

It was October 2003 and L.A. Times columnist Peter King was angry. Mad as hell, in fact, about white Californians and their expectations of happiness. Arnold Schwarzenegger had ...

T(y)ranny Triumphant, Part II: Zhe Who Controls the Past…

“The devil’s finest trick is to persuade you that he does not exist.” And the left's finest trick is to persuade you that a man in a dress is a woman. In last week’s ...

T(y)ranny Triumphant, Part I: Transmenstrual Cyclists

It’s time to take the “he” out of heliocentric. Trannies are the center of the universe now, and anyone who refuses to accept the new zheliocentrism can count on swift ...

Can the Right Fight Without Saying White?

Sometimes you get the hero you need, sometimes you get the hero you deserve, and sometimes you get a worthless dumbass who is neither. And if you’re really unlucky, you might ...

Julie Swetnick

Whatever it Takes

The Democrats' current position on the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh is: We cannot have someone addicted to beer on our highest court! What if a foreign power ...

Lily Allen

Let Them Eat Rape

We’re perched at a precarious point in history where it seems impossible to become a celebrity anywhere in the West if you don’t make a grand public display of denouncing all ...

What Still Unites Us?

Decades ago, a debate over what kind of nation America is roiled the conservative movement. Neocons claimed America was an “ideological nation” a “creedal ...

“Morally Required Genocide”

Professor Mohammed Abed is a man with a message: Genocide has gotten a bum rap. Sure, genocide can be bad, but in a pinch, genocide might just be your best friend…especially ...

Benjamin Franklin

Living Large No Longer

Just as the 21st century has witnessed the paradox of the rhetoric of white privilege and the reality of white death, we"€™ve also seen increasing black privilege, but with the ...

Is a Trump-Putin Detente Dead?

Among the reasons Donald Trump is president is that he read the nation and the world better than his rivals. He saw the surging power of American nationalism at home, and of ...

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