The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Begging, Bootlegging, and Easter-Egging Headlines HOSTAGE NEGROTIATOR Mark Taylor might be the ballsiest lawyer ever; dude’s trying to score cash by purposely ...

Will County, Illinois

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Ghoulish, Coolish, and April-Foolish Headlines CONSERVATIVE DING-A-LINGS Imagine a Ron DeSantis conference call with Florida conservatives... DeSantis: “You ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Toxical, Paradoxical, and Equinoxical Headlines WAIL, WAIL, THE GANG’S ALL HERE Remember when America’s “backyard” mattered? When people were obsessed ...

Wellesley College

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Blah, Nah, and Erin-go-Bragh Headlines OSCAR AIN’T GOLD; HE’S YELLA Americans might remember Judge Lance Ito from the O.J. Simpson criminal trial, but few ...

The Week That Perished 3.12.23

The Week’s Most Arching, Starching, and Ides-of-Marching Headlines JEW-F.O. Between Tucker Carlson’s UFO obsession and the recent spate of “flying objects” shot down by ...


The Week That Perished 3.5.23

The Week’s Most Mayan, Achaian, and In-Like-a-Lion Headlines BOSTON MAR-ATHON If a foreigner from some remote part of the world, with no knowledge of the U.S., were to watch ...

James and the Giant Peach, 1st Edition

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Bent, Spent, and Given-Up-For-Lent Headlines  BROWNIE V. BOARD OF EDUCATION The final week of Black History Month is upon us, and peanut butter ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Spaying, Slaying, and Presidents’-Daying Headlines I GOT YOU, BOOB California’s 31-year “year of the woman” is finally coming to an end (that was one ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Narrowing, Harrowing, and Cupid’s Arrowing Headlines UP, UP, AND HUAWEI IN MY BEAUTIFUL BALLOON The Chinese just can’t help stealing intellectual ...

Brant Point, Nantucket

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Rootinist, Tootinist, and Shootinist Headlines THE JOY GLOCK CLUB Tiger mom? Meet Luger gramps. Old Asian men are so over the stereotype of the wise elderly ...

San Francisco, Golen Gate Bridge

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Swarming, Norming, and Storming Headlines THE FINAL SOIL-UTION It’s a popular meme: A wolf, spying a bunch of hunter-gatherers, muses, “Maybe I’ll ...

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Creamy, Steamy, and I-Have-a-Dreamy Headlines SHRIMP ON THE KLAUS BARBIE In this week’s edition of “you can’t win fer losin’,” Australian whites tried ...

Anna Paulina Luna

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Evolving, Absolving, and New Year’s Resolving Headlines KAREN-EYES CODY “Iron-Eyes Cody,” one of the most successful Native American actors in American ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Cheering, Jeering, and Happy New Yearing Headlines SLAP UNHAPPY Poor Will Smith, doomed to a career bookended by plaintively wailing, “How come they don’t ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Snowing, Glowing, and Ho-Ho-Ho-ing Headlines THE TRAGICALLY HIPPO Christmas carols in Africa have their own unique flavor: I want a hippopotamus for ...

Prince Heinrich Reuss

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Tingling, Mingling, and Kris Kringling Headlines DODDER KNOWS BEST Wearing his finest Christmas sweater, Joe Biden sits in his comfy recliner by a roaring ...

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