Joe Exotic

The Week That Perished

Are you getting the sense that black Americans are incapable of being happy unless they’re destroying ...

The Week That Perished

We wish Bibi the best of luck in fighting off charges which are clearly motivated by anti-Semitism and a nihilistic urge to drag Israel down to the status of Third World countries ...

Canadian Geese

The Week That Perished

They put them in chains, and now they won’t let them wear gold chains. This country is ...

Benjamin Netanyahu

The Week That Perished

One tiny girl in one tiny part of Great Britain may have just struck a major blow against the Tranny Orthodoxy that threatens to drive all of that nation’s children ...

Joe Biden

The Week That Perished

How many more deadly viruses and insects will it take before we as a nation realize that Asians don’t like ...

Paris, France

The Week That Perished

We will pause simply to note that six inches is HUGE for ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Pneumonic, Teutonic, and Demonic Headlines ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ: WORKERS OF THE WORLD, STOP WORKING! Are we the first to notice how much the shovel-faced ...

Bob Dylan

The Week That Perished

If you’ve learned anything from the coronavirus pandemic, you should have at least learned that the world is stuffed to the rafters with know-it-alls who don’t know ...

H. Rap Brown

The Week That Perished

The European mainstream understands perfectly that supporting immigration will harm Europe, which is precisely why they support ...

President Trump

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Dyspeptic, Antiseptic, and Narcoleptic Headlines IS CORONAVIRUS THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO TRUMP? The thing about ideologues is that they will exploit ...

The Week That Perished

If someone shoots up the FRC again, will the SPLC get away with it ...

Robert Mugabe

The Week That Perished

Apparently Charles M. Schulz’s corpse didn’t learn anything from our bold ...

The Week That Perished

Beware of anyone who apologizes without also handing you a check for a million ...

The Week That Perished

It’s more likely that in Iran, the coronavirus will spread through the shrine-licking Muslim’s body rather than any of Allah’s ...

Ilhan Omar

The Week That Perished

In case you were unaware—or, more likely, you were so keenly aware that you decided it was wise to keep your mouth shut decades ago, which is why you still have a job and ...

Francisco Franco

The Week That Perished

Socialists believe in equality and that all disparities in performance are due to hatred and greed rather than disparities in ability, which is supremely ...

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