Taki's Top Drawer

Teddy Kennedy’s Still Swimming in the Stuff

Hold the presses. Teddy Kennedy has just signed a contract with John Karp, the publisher of 12, an imprint of Hachette, for—get hold of this—8 million dollars, for the senior senator from Massachussetts’ memoirs. Just think of it. 8 million big ones for Teddy’s side of the story. And here’s my exclusive. My Kennedy spies tell me that all of the moolah, all eight million of Teddy’s royalties ...

Learning Not to Choke

The sports in which one tends to choke are boxing, karate, judo, tennis, golf most of all, and things like darts, pool, and other such extremely silly pursuits. I suppose there are guns who freeze at the sight of a bird or a clay pigeon, and end up having to leave the field, but I think dem guns are mostly foreigners playing country ...

The $200 Million Used Mercedes

The ill-conceived American Cold War policy of accepting any kind of self-expression as art to combat communist restrictions on creativity led to the introduction of the Turner Prize and provided an opportunity for the Mafia amongst others to manipulate the art-market in a money-oriented ...

Norman’s Conquests

Towards the end of his life Norman called himself a Left-Conservative, and went as far as to agree that losing one’s culture through immigration was not a good thing. But he remained adamant about the evils of American corporations. He blamed them for making America an uglier place to ...

CB Richard Ellis Plunders Veterans and Old Ladies

If you like to read about a giant corporation screwing old ladies and retired people who have worked all their lives just to see their life savings go up in smoke, keep ...

Requiem for a Tough Guy

Norman Mailer died around four thirty Saturday morning New York time. Unlike his tumultuous life, his end was very peaceful. I spoke to his oldest son Michael who called me. I met him in the early Sixties during a riotous party in his house in Brooklyn. I was in my ...

A Worthy Cause: Israel Funds

Bill Clinton was driving a white pick up and on a muddy path late at night ran over a skunk family trying to cross the road. Hillary screamed at him to stop, which he did. When she went back she found papa skunk and mama skunk very much dead, but baby skunk still alive but barely. She picked it up and got inside the car. Bill faked ...

Goodbye, Whites and Christmas

Next time any of you feel nostalgic for the old continent, keep the following in mind. Christmas should be downgraded in favor of festivals from other religions in order to improve race relations, says an explosive British report from the ruling party’s favorite think-tank. The report goes on to explain that “expunging Christmas from the national calendar will be hard to do….” and it suggests that other ...

The Smearbund Strikes Again

The neocon tactic of shouting “anti-Semitism” has become a Pavlovian reaction to anyone and everyone who is not in tune with their agenda.  Their latest victim is my friend Paul Belien, a political writer of note whose only sin is to be married to a very attractive woman who is a member of Vlaams Belang, a Flemish party which wants no part of the bureaucrooks who run Europe and believes in controlling the ...

60 Minutes Strikes Out on a Curveball

Talk about false advertising.  60 Minutes announced this past Sunday that the segment we were about to see was a ground-breaking scoop which “could be told only now.” Then it went on to rehash a phony WMD story that some Iraqi conman had sold the Germans and on which the American government relied to convince their allies that Saddam really was about to blow up or poison the world. The code name of the conman ...

Go Colts

I write this close to 48 hours before the Indianapolis Colts New England Patriots game on Sunday. And I’m going out on a limb and predict a Patriot victory. Mind you, I would give a lot to be proved wrong. There is no more unpleasant bully and cheat that Bill Belichik, the New England coach. He knows as much about sportsmanship as Paris Hilton knows about decorum and good taste. He never apologized for the blatant ...

The Haughty Polloi

Henry Ford II, as he styled himself, was a slob without manners or charm, but I am told he was a terrific businessman. I used to date his daughters so I got to see him quite often. He once goosed my first wife and I grabbed ...

Requiem Aeternam Dona Eva

The death of Eve Curie Labouisse at age 102 brought back memories. She was Marie Curie’s daughter and the only one of her immediate family not to win a Nobel Prize. Her parents, Pierre and Marie Curie, won the Nobel in 1903 in the physics field, and then her mother won it on her own for chemistry in 1911. Her sister, Irene, won the Nobel in 1935, again for chemistry. Quite a family. I met Madame Labouisse in Athens during ...

Unnatural Arts and Sports

I’m not a ballet fan, although I admire like hell the pain these poor guys and gals have to go though to reach the top. Pop stars have it easy. All they have to do is write some very bad lyrics or make some horrible noise and presto, they get laid a lot and make millions upon millions. Their success makes inherited wealth moral by ...

The Boys from Brussels

As everyone who has ever visited Belgium knows, the place is crawling with pedophiles, most of them in government and in service to the European Union. Scandal after scandal has been hushed up because it involved higher-ups, of the same social stratum as the higher-ups who now are accusing the Poles of "immoral behavior." What did the bravest and most foolhardy people in Europe do to deserve such opprobrium? They ...

Podenfreudian Analysis

As everyone who has read Goethe or Schiller knows, Schadenfreude is the tendency to maliciously enjoy others’ misfortunes. Although I hate to say so myself, my one virtue is that I do not indulge in this brilliantly named past-time, which so many of my fellow scribes seem to practice. Hence I will not dwell on John (four pizzas) Podhoretz’s resignation from the New York Post in order to run the Likud Party’s ...


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