Let’s take it from the top: DEI was destroying Western values and the culture of meritocracy. The bigots of woke culture subverted our institutions yet claimed to occupy the moral high ground. A nation’s historic culture and values were thrown into the dustbin, while the sinister system abolished free speech. It was a systemic attack on our free society by so-called elites—in reality a nefarious bunch of lefties whose plan was to shut us all up. It was an Orwellian Big Brother all over again, except this time it was not fiction but fact. The real scandal is that the media was in cahoots with the bad guys trying to do away with free speech. The Washington Post’s and the Los Angeles Times’ owners, Jeff Bezos and Dr. Soon Shiong, respectively, had to interfere and demand more ...
Harry and Meghan looked like ambulance chasers in burning Los Angeles a couple of weeks ago, but acting like virtue-signaling disaster tourists is what they do best. It does not surprise me. For those of you who don’t read comic books or gossip columns, they’re also known as the Duke and ...
How do we recognize artistic merit today? What relation does it have with popularity? How important is fame in measuring the artist? Why is merit often unmatched by success, whereas the latter and mediocrity are almost one and the same? All one has to do is look at Hollywood and its products of ...
I no longer read today’s shysters, those grubby-fingered leeches called journalists, mostly because they’re as far removed from fairness and the truth as I am from LGBQTVMGM. The fact that Trump has won has not reminded them of their primary duty, which is to inform, not to convert. Most of them are envious creatures who erroneously believe in their moral superiority and their left-wing ideology, which is par for the ...
I’ve received a very interesting letter from Nicholas Farrell, author of the best biography of Benito Mussolini yet written. It begins by introducing a good friend of his, a poet by the name of Paolo Gambi, a close relation to the last mistress of Lord Byron, Teresa Guiccioli. Teresa was most likely the last female affair the great Byron had before dying 200 years ago in Missolonghi, Greece, fighting the Turks for Greek ...
I hate to start the year with a horror story, but Takimag readers must be told of the hellhole where it took place: New York City, once upon a time the best place to live and have fun in, now accurately described as a dangerous shithole. Actually it’s the people who have turned awful. A homeless woman is asleep in a subway car when she’s set alight by an illegal animal from Guatemala, and up she goes in flames and is burnt ...
I’ve been catching up on my reading of late, and here’s the one and only Papa Hemingway’s advice to writers: “Don’t let them suck you in to start writing about the proletariat, if you don’t come from the proletariat, just to please the recently politically enlightened critics.” Hear, hear! Leave it to Papa to tell unpalatable truths, especially true today with the proles all-conquering and the nobs in hasty ...
This is my last week in the Bagel and things are looking up. For some of us, that is; for others it’s despair time. No use beating around the bush: Israel has won big-time, Iran has lost big, and the Palestinians are back to ground zero, with nothing to look forward to except more deaths, more land grabs by Israeli settlers, and more crushing and brutal retaliation by Israel at the slightest indication of civil disobedience. ...
No one sober and in their right mind trusts or believes in what is called the media nowadays. Once upon a time the news media in America was highly respected and trusted. It took professional liars who brought down a president who had won the largest majority ever, Richard Nixon, for the public to realize that journalists suffer from pathological distortion and suspicion. A lawyer can be disbarred, a priest can be defrocked, ...
I’ll report some good news for a change. Perhaps the most important event this year outside the presidential election is the imminent collapse of the so-called diversity, equity, and inclusion con, the poisonous hokum that is finally being exposed as such. Just think of it: $8 billion a year of your taxes is spent telling Americans in training sessions, workshops, and educational material that they are, depending on their ...
“We are entering an autocratic, or at least authoritarian, American future.” So wrote some bald-faced phonies in The New York Times, but they would, wouldn’t they? I find the idea that a parent once gave a word processor to a son or daughter who now writes for the Times one of the most shocking cases of child abuse. Everything that has to do with the Times nowadays is abusive, especially where facts and the truth are ...
Funny how the Brits are always falling behind the Yanks, as they pejoratively call them. No sooner had the Americans woken up and voted Trump to power, those in Britain wielding power are arresting and jailing people for using...non-woke language, such as “asylum seeker.” Yes, you read that right, calling someone an asylum seeker will land you in the pokey in the country where shoplifting has been decriminalized, with ...
The good news is that the mendacious columnists at The New York Times have committed collective suicide. The bad news is that I just made this up. Portentous phonies like columnists at the Times are shameless, hence they do not commit suicide; what they do instead is sell repellent ideologies to the fools who read their lies. The Times garbage was not alone in getting drubbed by the voters. CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, and The ...
This will fall on deaf ears in the White House, no matter who the new resident will be next year, but here goes anyway: Chinese and Russian analysts are taking note of the United States’ inability to curb Israel or contain the conflict in the Middle East. This of course emboldens President Xi of China to move against Taiwan and deepens President Putin’s resolve as far as Ukraine is concerned. Now that Israel’s Netanyahu ...
It is a truth universally acknowledged that the main American media includes many homely, bitter, left-leaning women and numerous bald, left-wing, and equally unattractive men. No wonder, then, that Kamala is the media’s favorite and Trump is referred to as Hitler and, in the words of a Quasimodo type, one Adam Gopnik, “a vile and malignant actor.” Another universally acknowledged truth is that the main media in America, ...
At the time I came to this country in 1948, baseball was unrivaled by other sports, and it seemed to my 11-year-old self to be at the very center of American life. I remember it well, staying at the Plaza Hotel on Fifth Avenue and hearing about it in the lobby and on the radio: The Yankees had lost the pennant to the Cleveland Indians, now called the Guardians due to political correctness. The Indians went on to win the World ...