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I was on a double-decker bus in Glasgow, Scotland, last week and heard two teenagers talking to each other about O. J. Simpson. “I’m, like, almost positive that he was arrested for, like, armed robbery or some shit.” ...
I was on a double-decker bus in Glasgow, Scotland, last week and heard two teenagers talking to each other about O. J. Simpson. “I’m, like, almost positive that he was arrested for, like, armed robbery or some shit.” ...
Never in my life have I seen such a parade of gloomy faces following a midterm. In the aftermath of most elections, you’ll have the elated victors and the despondent losers. But what makes the 2018 midterms so unique is ...
Mass news reports last week of an impending “Zombie Apocalypse” proved that while the apocalypse may not have arrived quite yet, there are plenty of zombies waiting for it to happen. Zombies, you see, eat human ...
Scientific-minded dissidents frequently compare today’s orthodoxy that the cause of whatever ails blacks is—and, indeed, must be—white racism to discarded scientific constructs such as phlogiston in chemistry and ...
The continental catastrophe that has engulfed Africa may go down in history as the greatest politically motivated human calamity of all time. Hundreds of millions of poverty-stricken people are getting poorer while an ...
An English judge called Beverley Lunt, known locally for her leniency, recently suspended the prison sentence of two brothers who appeared before her because they were contrite, or rather because they expressed contrition, ...
Well, well, well...someone owes Adolf Hitler an apology. On Oct. 9, New York governor Andrew Cuomo declared a “Jewish problem” in his state regarding COVID. The damn Jews are spreading it like plague rats! Mind you, ...
waktu seluruh orang sibuk bersama aktifitas & aktivitas masing-masing, itu mesti dipakai sbg kesempatan yg baik bagi pembisnis buat mampu menambah area target pasar mereka, mengingat bahwa, terhadap musim ketika ini, ...
Oliver Stone finally has an entertaining movie"Savages"out in theaters again. It's time to try to do something Stone can"t, which is think dispassionately about conspiracy theories. As Kevin Spacey explained in ...
In the otherwise forgettable movie Betsy’s Wedding, the chichi event planner swoons over a cake sample: “It’s so subtle you can’t even taste it!” That line sprang to mind this week after ...
Mrs. Clinton, who knows a thing or two about phoniness, praised Meghan Markle’s decision to speak of her “mental health” before tens of millions of her very closest counselors. Mrs. Clinton said it was brave of her, ...
GSTAAD—Oh, to be in America, where cultural decay and self-destruction compete equally with hyperfeminist and anti-racist agendas. Gone With the Wind is suddenly as popular as Triumph of the Will is in Israel, and the ...
Ours is a golden age of expensive cheap trash"or is it cheap expensive trash? Such, at any rate, were my thoughts on leafing through a catalog of a luxury gewgaw and clothes manufacturer, whose name I shall not reveal. ...
For one brief, pixelated moment last week, Red and Blue America came together (as it were). This rare harmonic convergence was prompted by…what? A natural disaster that snuffed out thousands of lives? A terror attack ...
Everyone else wants the names of the FBI officials who approved the unprecedented law enforcement dragnet against low-level Trump aides in the middle of a presidential campaign. I want the names of the staffers at the ...
As a white man born and bred in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) who has watched events unfold both in my home country and in the African subcontinent, I look at the United States and Western Europe with a sense of having seen the ...
In 1999, I was interrogated on suspicion of being an Irish Republican Army terrorist plotting to assassinate Baroness Margaret Thatcher with a letter bomb. I was startled by a phone call from the police chief of the ...
"I WANT TO BELIEVE," announces The X-Files" Agent Mulder, although silently, via that austere poster on the wall of his dark basement FBI office. It's a declaration of defiance; Mulder was exiled to his ...
“Sometimes, doctor,” a patient of mine once said to me, “I feel like the little boy with his finger in the dyke, crying wolf.” That is a pretty good summary of how I feel most of the time. The fact is that there is ...
Do identity politics truly represent “the demand for dignity,” as centrist political philosopher Francis Fukuyama asserts in the subtitle of his new book, Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment? ...
While our society’s growing hate hysteria against straight white men may seem a bit demented, it is actually a logical requirement of the fundamental strategy of the Democratic Party: to mobilize a Coalition of the ...
Should art mirror the world as it is, or does an artist fail the public if the work goes back in time, before the grotesqueries of the present? Back, back, I say, but that’s to be expected. I’m such a fan of the past ...
I was born in 1961, so I know the stark differences between the old taboos and the new ones. And having watched the changes occur in slow motion, I realize that new taboos often sprout into existence as a form of revenge ...
My version of Proverbs 30:18"19 goes: There are three things that I do not understand: the success of Al Jolson, the popularity of Milton Berle, and the appeal of Archie Comics. I may loathe a particular pop culture ...