The Birth of a Nation

Defending Film

This was a bad summer for movies at the American box office, with total gross down 22 percent from last year. Revenue was the lowest since 2006, suggesting that the recent economic crash had artificially pumped up box ...

Elizabeth Banks and Jennifer Lawrence

Mortal Combat From a Feminine Perspective

As female authors increasingly dominate popular fiction, they are confronted with whether or not to try and appeal to the remnant male market. The authors of this century's three biggest "€œyoung adult"€ series (and ...

Interview With a Drug Casualty

Of the 2.2 million Americans in prison right now, about half are there for drug-related offenses. It's a tricky number to determine because felonies such as murder, assault, burglary, arson, robbery, and even kidnapping can ...

Beneath Paris

The French, I think, must be world champions in the production of books lamenting the state of their economy (they are also good at taking antidepressants). Occasionally, it is true, someone writes a book to the effect that ...

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Dippiest, Drippiest, and Yippiest Headlines ANTIFA V. BLACKS Antifa (pronounced “an-TEE-fa”) is a group of psychopathically self-righteous masked pussies who live with their parents and refer to all ...

Revulsion Transference

I was reading Eric Dondero’s revelations about the time he spent working as personal assistant, campaign coordinator, and senior aide to Ron Paul. Dondero plays down Paul’s rumored offenses against political correctness ...

The Emperor’s New Ads

The New York Times announced on Monday: The internet search giant [Google] also confirmed earlier reports that the Internet Research Agency [a Kremlin-linked hasbara outfit] had purchased search and display ads from it. ...

Alice Munro

2013: Reminiscences and Prognostications

"€™Tis the season of reminiscence and prognostication. Let's get the future out of the way first. I"€™ve made the same three predictions every January for the last thirty years: 1. Margaret Atwood will win the Nobel ...

Bridgeport, Connecticut

Discrimination in Bridgeport

As a child during the 1950s in the factory city of Bridgeport, CT, I constructed a social hierarchy that corresponded to where I thought the town's ethnic groups belonged. I doubt that I arrived at these rankings on my own. ...

Children of the State

As of this writing, there have been 298 homicide victims this year here in Philly, a 14% increase since 2016. That is consistent with the national trend of rising homicides, for which we may thank Obama’s opposition to ...

Tyson Fury

Common Sense on the Ropes

It is strange what moves people to action, if signing a petition counts as action"€”which, given the sedentary nature of so much of the population, I suppose it might do. According to a newspaper article I have just read, ...

H. Rap Brown

The Week That Perished

The European mainstream understands perfectly that supporting immigration will harm Europe, which is precisely why they support ...

Glastonbury Campsite

Pray for Rain

In my salad days as vulgarity correspondent"€”that is to say, a reporter on the disgusting ways in which young British people so often chose to behave"€”I was sent one year to the Glastonbury Festival. This is a large ...

The Week That Perished

The Week's Most Unbreakable, Unshakeable, and Unmistakable Headlines COONTOWN, WE HARDLY KNEW YE With over 10 million unique visitors monthly, is one of the world’s most heavily trafficked sites. A ...

Last Chance for the ‘Deplorables’

Speaking to 1,000 of the overprivileged at an LGBT fundraiser, where the chairs ponied up $250,000 each and Barbra Streisand sang, Hillary Clinton gave New York’s social liberals what they came to hear. “You ...

Anti-Amnesty Talking Points

Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more. As in days of old, business and political elites are gathering in treason to give amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, for reasons various and malign: to keep down ...

Beirut, Lebanon 2020

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Aggressive, Excessive, and Oppressive Headlines NONWHITE WORKERS AT CANADIAN ANTI-RACISM MUSEUM COMPLAIN OF RACISM Winnipeg is the largest city in the Canadian province of Manitoba, as if that’s some ...

The Incredible Talking Weiner

I keep getting surprised by my own naïveté. The case here is that of Anthony D. Weiner, who until two years ago was the US Representative from a Jewish/white-ethnic/black district of Brooklyn. Rep. Weiner became ...

Take Byrd Down

I came up with a great way to beat the Democrats at their own game. I decided to start a petition to change the name of the Robert C. Byrd Courthouse in Beckley, West Virginia. It's on and we started it on ...

Legislating Lethal Ladies Leggings

NEW YORK—As far as I can tell, there are six warring factions in the Leggings Wars. First come the “You’re Disgusting” people: Women should never wear leggings. Leggings are cheap/immoral/against God. As far as ...

Rob Ford

The Week That Perished

The Week’s Most Thankless, Chancrous, and Cantankerous Headlines FINALLY, A WHITE MAYOR WHO SMOKES CRACK The Toronto Star released video of the city’s mayor, a corpulent slab of sweaty ham named Rob Ford, ...

The Great Hate Debate

I justifiably criticize and reprehend, but you hate. I have well-thought-out, rational opinions, but you have mere prejudices. I hate hatred. I hate those who hate, especially those who hate the wrong things, that is to ...

President Barack Obama

2013: The Year So Far in Corruption

Lord Acton’s famous maxim that “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely” is such a nakedly accurate observation of human nature that one might assume no one ever needed to articulate ...

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